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Why does "Don't mention her name" have like 70 views?! And the intro has ninety!!!! *falls down to the floor and cries* you guys do really like this mess of a story.

Ok I'm done ;-;



(Not Edited)

Jonathan took the headache medicine before swallowing down some water. He was about to meet Mr. Fong for the week and he didn't want to show weakness in front of him.

The brunet grabbed his clipboard and shrugged his shoulders to release tension.

"Dr. Jonathan. Cmon, we'll guide you to the room." Two heavily armed security guards stood next to the door in the break room and Jon nodded. All doctors had to be escorted personally to their patient. For safety and to make sure there are no rats who break them out.

Jon grabbed his bag and walked up to the men. "Thank you, officers."

As he walked off, the brunet felt like someone was checking out his ass, and heard some chuckles behind him. He wanted to turn around and slap sense into those guards because they obviously didn't see his engagement ring, but he remained professional.

Even if their security didn't.

When they reached the room, Jon nodded at the guards who were smirking at him in a way he didn't like it. "Hurry up and put in the damned code."

Blue eyes were trained on the steel door, even when he heard the beep of buttons pushed and the click of the door releasing. Jon swung open the door and closed it quickly. God, the nerve of some people.

"Blue! There you are!"

Strangely, Jon relaxed at the familiar voice but he must've relaxed visibly. "Blue, something seems off."

"Nothing. Just these guards flirting with me when I'm clearly engaged."

Jon missed it as he walked over to the table to sit, but Vanoss's face took a possessive jealously to it.

Evy bear, I thought we were disposing of him when he got us out. Not falling in love with him.

Vanoss could picture it quite literally. Delirious's pouty face.

"I think I have a plan..."


"Nothing, Blue..." Vanoss smiled and then pictured Blue as Delirious. Blue. He needed blue.

On second thought...he looks perfect...

"I brought you a friend." Jonathan reached into his bag and set an owl plushie on the table. "I didn't know what animal you liked, and this was the first thing that came to mind...I can take it back if you'd like."

Owl. Awww...Jon cared...but Vanoss wasn't alone...not for the long run.

"Nono! It's perfect. I love owls.. They're my favorite animal."

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