Duo Clash...?

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All these votes, damb

You know that feeling when the people that like your story are like, awesome writers and you feel a bit better about yours? Ya, that's me.

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(Not Edited)

Jonathan was in pain and he didn't let Luke forget it.

With a severe migraine and nausea like he had a concussion, Jon was getting concerned. Something was going on, and he needed a doctor! Anything!

He kept losing train of thought, or falling asleep standing up! It was getting annoying. Then the constant headaches..


"Yes, Jon?"


"You forgot, didn't you?"


Luke sighed and stood from his seat at the kitchen bar. Jon was slowly losing his mind at all the confusion of what's happening. The bearded man was tempted to spill the beans but then that'd mean Jon's reality would come crashing down.

Without another hypnosis to bind him again, their engagement and Jon's whole life could tumble down. All those years wasted.

Daithe was a huge help guiding Luke through this slow process. Brock was even helpful in how to deal with amnesia and panic attacks, even though he had no clue about the deeper, darker story.

Luke broke out of thought when he heard the heartbreaking sob coming from his fiancé. He rushed towards the couch and kneeled down, immediately wiping the tears from his face. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Tell me.."

"Something's wrong with me, Luke. I'm totally crazy and unpredictable! Like a girl on her period!"



Whenever mother was on her period, it was the worst. She always took her frustrations on Jon. She blamed the pain on Jon.

Awful, awful, pain, pain. Please, please, spare me, spare me.

When Luke saw Jonathan tense and his eyes see right through him, he knew Jon was experiencing another one. Damnit. After he was going so well on those...

"Don't shake him in anyway," Brock said. "Only remind him where he is, who he is, and just things surrounding you."

When Jon started shaking and crying even more, Luke wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.

"You're name is Jonathan Dennis..."

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