Ain't No Mercy(P1)

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Tysm for 2k reads!!! Eek! This baby is like, what, one month, two months old?! Good grief!

Haha, I'm creating tension and watching y'all suffer is gr8 m8. Enjoy the story! Continue to share, comment, and vote!

Ignore all mistakes, please. 

(Not Edited)

"Guys! Guys!" Craig ran down the long hallway. He held a printed paper in one hand and his phone in the other, GPS app pulled up. He almost ran into the giant that is Tyler - that son of a bitch couldn't be any hotter - but two hands grasped his shoulders.

"Mini, what are you running for?"

"I was doing some research and did a few profile tracking and I found Vanoss in this location and oh my god." Craig's knees buckled and Tyler already had a strong grip on him. Marcel came over and took both items out of Mini's hand, slapping them down on the table.

"Holy shit," He started. "This is an admission paper. With everything on it!" Marcel's eyes skimmed quickly over it before he felt Tyler and Craig, who was still panting, to come over. Tyler grabbed the paper.

"Then let's go bust him out before the government has the chance to relocate him. Rally up the guys. Let's fuck shit up and get our crazy leader back!"


Alarms blared as Jonathan walked down the hallway.

His mind was on one thing and one thing only. Get Vanoss out.

Fuck Jon's perfect record. Fuck being a perfect boy. Fuck everything right now.

Jonathan looked at his surroundings. This was not on the map of the asylum. It's probably a secret hallway Randy had built in.

Go left.

Jonathan did. He ran down the hallway and ignored the loud blaring in his ears. All he saw was red down the hallway.

Turning another corner, he bumped into a single guard and did the first thing that came to his mind. Jonathan threw a punch and knocked the guard out. It stung like a mutherfucker afterwards but Jon only shook it out and continued on.

Get the gun.

Jon stopped in his tracks and turned slowly. Shooting people wasn't his forte....heck it wasn't his anything! That small, reasoning voice in the back of Jonathan's head spoke up. It sounded like...Luke.


Please don't do it, Jon. Fight it, I know you can. Please...these men have families.

Cmon, Jon...why are you hesitating? The crazy people get all the fun. Don't you want to get in the know?

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