King of Red

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Warning- Trigger elements in here, murder, yeah, psychopathy, triggering to feminists And people in general.

This is more of in the past, k? K.

(50% Edited)

Evan felt the tears and snot run down his face as he watched his dad beat his mom once again. Her old bruises were dark and infected while her new ones were bleeding profusely.

He didn't like watching her get beat, but his dad made him watch. Every time he looked away was a bullet to mom's already bruised leg.

"EVAN! Are you paying attention?! Do you see the slut getting beaten?! Dominated?!? Women are all whores and dirty, dirty sluts."

Evan's mom, Diana, continued shaking on the ground in her own mini pool of blood. Evan was surprised and thankful she wasn't dead yet.

"Stop crying, slut." Evan's dad, James, spat on the woman and kicked her bruised leg, then finally walked off to the door. "Evan, do not let that bitch move. You are in charge. I'm getting more beer."

As soon as James was out of range of the house, Diana cried out in misery and Evan burst out in tears too. It was painful to see her suffering, and he couldn't do anything. He was dominant. He was the prince.

"Evan baby bear, I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry."

The small child froze as his weakened mother crawled for one of the guns sitting next to him. Evan was supposed to use it if she moved, but he couldn't bring himself to harm his own mother!


"I know. I know.. But I can't take it anymore, no one will save us...I'm going crazy! Ha! The pain is too much! But I will get us out of here, I me..." Her makeup was heavily smeared and her clothes were bloody and torn. To any average person, it'd be gory, but to Evan, it just gave him chills.

"Mama...what are you doing...?"

"We're getting out of here. We'll be safe. I promise. I promise."

Evan dared not to break eye contact with his mother as he felt something cold touch his temple. There was a click that sounded like the safety and the little boy's heart dropped as his mother only laughed.

"He won't harm us anymore... If we're DEAD!"

His instinct was to close his eyes and let it happen.

He did. 

A gunshot rang throughout the house but Evan only felt something splash on his face and clothes. He opened his eyes to a horrifying scene.

His mother, on the ground with a pool of blood underneath her, gun loose in hand and eyes open, unseeing.
James stood in the doorway with a gun in hand, pointed to where she was previously kneeled in front of Evan and he lowered the gun.

Evan couldn't take the trauma.

He screamed.


Evan started hearing voices after that. They were everywhere and haunting him at the same time. He was going insane.

James starting taking him on drug deal trips, teaching him how to "properly be a man" but all Evan wanted was a friend. It got lonely in the cold house. The same one his mother was murdered in.

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