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Doodoodoodoo, banana shit- I mean bus

I've given up trying to title.

Wow, 4k holy sheetx

"So you're saying I'm a half robot, and I've been basically "sleeping" for three years in a facility where innocent people are murdered and crazy people were kept. And I was being used as a human experimentation.." Brian whispered. He looked like he had seen a ghost with an anchor stuck in its stomach, holding a really hard math equation. Confused, horrified, and just all together crushed. Three fucking years the world has passed by.

"Well, at least you're awake now. What was the last thing you remember?" Craig asked.

"Erm....uh...I...Ah shit-! What the- what the fock is this?!"

"That's your HUD, calm down, Brian. You're eye is uh...we forget to tell you this...also part of your robotics. Somehow it switched on when you were trying to remember something." Lui answered smoothly. He started getting rid of the jumbled files on his computer.

"Well how do you switch it off?! I don't want to see this all the focking time!"

"Only you can switch it off, Brian. Just think it. Like anything else. Use that big brain of yours." Lui laughed and continued to delete. The door slammed open and in came a fuming Tyler, cheeks red with anger and Craig nearly jumped out of his skin. Lui had seen it coming on the security cameras, and Brian had saw the unfamiliar heat signal with his HUD that refused to turn off.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Tyler grit out and grabbed Craig's wrist before the Brit could comprehend what was happening. Lui held his tongue at how dirty that sounded.

"Fuck you! I'm fine!"

"You literally got stabbed and you think it's fine!?"

"He's limping, if it helps." Lui put in. He didn't have to turn around to know Craig was glaring a hole in his head.

"You. Bed. Now." Tyler swept Craig off his feet into bridal style and stormed out, leaving Brian and Lui in silence.

Brian was the first one to speak. "I stabbed him..." He whispered low but Lui picked it up anyway. The shorter of the two shrugged. "Craig's over it. It's Tyler you should be worried about. Those two went from fuckbuddies to fucking idiots."

"If this is relevant....uh....I sensed....uh...Craig's... heartbeat pick up when this "Tyler" walked in the room." Brian hesitantly put in. That one sentenced nearly went in one ear and flew out another but stopped as the other finally processed his words.

A burst of happiness exploded in Lui like a firecracker going off. Lui wanted to suddenly throw something out the window and tackle Marcel with happiness. He wanted to carry a sign across America screaming "I knew it!". Craig obviously has feelings for Tyler. Those two were oblivious idiots.

Despite the sudden fanmaning(because Lui isn't a girl nor is he a boy), Lui remained composure.

"You're kidding. Tell me more." Lui said as he turned around in the swivel chair with a dramatic flair. Brian shifted from his place on the metal table in the middle of the room and narrowed his eyes a bit at the wall.

"Ehrm...a peak in arousal?"

This time Lui couldn't hold in the slight giggle. There might be a few perks to having Brian around.

"Brian, I want you to meet a dear friend of mine named Marcel. Tell him what you told me and don't hold back!"



"I fucking told you, I'm fine!"

"Fine isn't good enough for me."

"What is good enough for you, fuckin' dick! Let me go! I've been on mission before and got injured plenty of times!"

"Will you quit squirming and let me redress the wrapping?!"

Craig huffed, crossed his arms and stayed still. Tyler was a fucking prick. Craig hated being treated like some....doll. Porcelain doll to be precise. Charming and beautiful on the outside but hollow and worthless on the inside. Empty. Worth a thousand but only sold for 30 to 100 at an antique shop. Maybe less. Not like he looked. Nope. No way.

"You're being ridiculous. This is a pretty deep stab wound and be glad I didn't rip that Terminator douche a new one." Tyler tightens his grip on the wrapping with a glare that would probably bring someone to their knees. The stab wound was pretty deep and nearly punctured Craig's internal organs near his right hip. The knife did damage but managed to not hit anything vital like a kidney.

Tyler, the one being not easy to blood, held back a gag and tried to swallow. Craig watched Tyler struggle between anger and whatever other emotion he was feeling. Was it disgust? This doll was broken beyond repair and nobody liked an ugly doll.

"Brian didn't mean to. He was controlled."

Played with. Like a toy. A toy robot.

Well in the toy box, the dolls and robots gotta stick together.

Craig clenched his fist then unclenched before Tyler caught eye. "Why do you care?"

"You're my teammate. Why wouldn't I care?"

The word felt like needles to his heart, like needles scraping over a balloon, ready to pop.

"Is that not the answer you were hoping?"

Craig looked down at his hands, eyes pointedly ignoring the other man's crotch because not the time.

"Of course." Wow, such a smooth lie. Well, the doll is broken. Time to throw it away!

"Tell the truth."


"Well let me redo that question." Tyler almost whispered as he picked up Mini's chin and covered the shorter's chapped lips with his own.

Craig's eyes widened and suddenly everything seemed to slow down as Tyler - Wildcat - Second Hand of Vanoss the Infamous villain, was kissing him.

:/ when do I ever edit this shit oml

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