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In this story, Nogla is Jonathan's best friend from childhood, not Luke. :T Sorry. And I have jack shit clue about how the mind and craziness works so go with it. Lol. x

( Edited)

"He just straight up had a panic attack?"

"Yeah. I don't know what he was dreaming about but it must've been strong enough to trigger it even in dreams."

Daithe sighed over the Skype call and ran a hand over his face, mindful of his glasses. "Fockin' hell, man. If he's gettin' attacks again then that means the hypnosis is wearin' off."


"...Jon's not around, right?"

Luke picked up the laptop and went to the room, shaking his head. "No, he went out shopping 10 minutes ago. We're clear." The bearded man sat on the bed and looked expectantly at Daithe who sighed again.

"Jon...he...fock, I don't know where to begin."

"How about start with hypnosis? When did Jon have this?"

"When he turned 13, I took him to a family friend of mine who hypnotized him to forget his childhood which was pretty screwed up from beginning to end. Jonathan obviously doesn't know this, and thinks he has amnesia from a car accident that killed his parents."

"Holy shit." Luke whispered. No wonder Jon always had trouble explaining childhood. He couldn't remember it. "Why?"

"Every night got worse since we took him in. Crying, panic attacks, etc. His eyes were bloodshot and he was always looking over shoulder, like he was expecting someone to come in and try to murder him. He stared at us like we were dead people alive with guns everyday and frankly, my mum was gettin' weirded out. Mostly scared of him."

"She was gettin' ready to have a new baby and with Jon's occasional whispering and looking off into the distance like he was havin' a conversation with somebody, she was contemplating sending him to a mental house. Dad and my brother didn't have a problem with that, but I did. Obviously he had been through enough trauma already, and a mental house wasn't gonna help so I just...took him to the guy and he took Jon in himself. But with childhood memories gone, Jonathan really didn't know what to do anymore. It was like starting over."

"So...if the hypnosis wears off...he'll start acting delirious again?" Luke wrung the sheets in his hand. He never knew this and now that he does, he sees his fiancé he got down on one knee for in a different light. Not a strange one, but a sympathetic one.

"Probably so. Every few years it'll wear because this is the brain and memories we're talking about. Hypnosis can only do so much stretch. First it'll start with the painful attacks he used to have and the vulnerability to suicidal thoughts. The same way his dad died."

"But why the trauma...?"

"His mum never wanted him. He believed he was never wanted and all alone, and I guess his own self made up voices and or make believe figures to trick him into believing he wasn't alone. I don't know how the mind works, man. All I know is Mr. Rowley is in Ireland and with Jon's new job..."

"...he's open to the insanity."

"I'd sleep with one eye open if I were ye."

"Fuck. Any tips on how I should deal with it? Should we go to a hypnotist?"

Daithe shook his head. "No. Messing with Mr. Rowley's work will any speed up the process of recover but Jon figuring out his childhood trauma all over again while cause mental breakdown. Maybe even push him over the edge... I'm sorry I never told you Luke."

Luke groaned and hid his face in his hands. "How quick can you get this Mr. Rowley over in America?"

"I've been texting him back in forth throughout this call. He'll have to get another visa to enter USA, so that'll take a while. But he said for now watch for signs of behavior, attention span, conversation, body language and - this is really important, Luke - Do not leave him alone with his thoughts. For the love of God, don't."

"Trust me, I won't."

"Good, now I hear Brock jiggling the keys in the door. Talk to ya later, Luke."

"Bye. Thanks, Daithe."

Tyler looked around the lit club and take another sip of his beer.

No word from Evan and Tyler was starting to worry about his friend. They always found him and busted him out of where ever he was, but this time even Lui couldn't find him and that's saying a lot.

The government was tight lipped about where they put him. Files mentioned hundreds of places.

Tyler took another swig of his beer and lazily looked at the dancer in front of him swinging on her pole. She didn't interest him much. What even was her name? Katie? Kayden? Kelly? Hell, he didn't know. He was concerned for his insane friend.

But who knows, maybe Evan'll get an inside person to tip them off.

"Aye, Ty. You look pretty deep in thought, dawg. Lighten up a bit. He's in a mental ward somewhere." Evan's weapon specialist, Marcel came over and plopped himself on the couch right next to Tyler. The girl immediately frowned when Tyler's attention wasn't on her anymore and she scoffed, walking off but both men could care less.

"How do you know?"

"Craig got info out of someone incredibly stupid that can't hold his drink or his secrets."

When Tyler raised an eyebrow at Marcel,  the later mentioned raised his hands in defense. "His words, not mine."

Tyler only snorted and leaned back into the seat, thumping music comforting him. Craig was a bit new to the Vanoss crew, but he was deadly as fuck.

Everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Just like Lui, his friend,  he has eyes everywhere and he's an inside person. He's acting is great, but he's also a tad bit shy off the job. That's all anybody knows about him.

Craig's a mystery to Tyler, which leaves him wanting more.

"Anyway, which psych ward?"
"Lui's checkin' that out. We'll bust Evan out then blow the shit out of that ward."

Tyler chuckled at the words and took another drink of his beer. "That sounded so gay, dude." He said as he nudged his best friend. Marcel only smirked and made a thrusting gesture.

"Oh yeah, I've got my baby boy Scott back at home with his sweet ass. Fuck yeah, I'm gay as shit."

Tyler made a gagging motion and scooted away. "Eww, you piece of shit."

"You love me, boi."

"I think I love this beer more right at the moment."

No Jon bby. I'm sorry, do you still love me? :'3  Vote, comment, share. Yada, bye.

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