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This story is goddamn shit. But apparently no one agrees with me sigh.

Ok, so the one shot book I have a shitload ton of drafts holy poly. And I was in the nutcracker that's why I was late updating.

Short, Idc.
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Fuck a duck.

By the time Jonathan had gotten out of the ward and into his car, tears had streamed down his face without his knowledge.

He knew his mother. He knew his childhood but he had been hypnotized to forgot it all. Why? Because Daithe's mom wanted his crazy ass out.

But Daithe loved him too much to let him go...right?

The thought made Jonathan sniffle as more tears came down his face.

Did Luke know? Did Daithe tell Luke about this??

Jon's thoughts were in a scramble. His heart was thumping hard and his breaths were shallow.

His mother beat him.

Veronica...she...she...didn't care...

Veronica. The name echoed in his head and he nearly burst out into hysterical crying right there and then.

All those memories locked up. And all those memories now exposed. Jon kind of wishes he didn't recover them since it was impacting his thoughts and actions so much.

It explains so fucking much! Why he was acting strange all the sudden. He even had a memory of Mr. Rowley telling Daithe the side effects when it's wearing off.

Jonathan buried his hands in his hair and grabbed, tugged - anything to distract him from the dull, aching pain in his chest. His wrist, neck, chest and arms were itching, and Jon was losing it.

He needed something.

But he didn't know what.

He was going crazy.

But he didn't know.

"Fuck, fuck, fucking...fuck.."

Jon reached a tremendously shaking hand over the passenger's seat to get his phone, which was ringing. His hands were shaking too much. He couldn't even pick it up.

Ring. Ring.

It was Luke.

Ring ring.




"Hey. Jon, babe, where are you? Like, you're not at home and I'm not sure if you're at work or not. You didn't leave a note. I'm getting worried, I mean, I'm supposed to, I care about you. Uhm...give me a call as soon as you can. Ok..bye.."

Voicemail (1)
The voicemail ended and Jonathan gripped the steering wheel in front of him to stop the shaking.

Jonathan could hear laughter in his head. Echoing all around him. Like voices were laughing at him.

Was he crazy? Was he going delirious?!

"Not crazy, not crazy, not crazy..." A mantra that Jon repeated over and over out loud to block out the laughter.
"Stop laughing at me!!!"

Before he knew it the car door yanked open and a hand gripped his left arm painfully, pulling him from the car seat and onto the unforgiving parking lot ground. His cheek burned from the sensation of the scrape but it almost put Jon to ease.

Jonathan's first immediate reaction was to kick out but hands were all over him, restraining him to a kneeling position despite his screams and curses.

In the middle of his blood curling scream, pain blossomed through Jon's head before he felt nothing..

"God damn, my eardrums are busted now."

The men in black picked up the limp body and one spoke up. "What would you like us to do with him, sir?"

"Tie him in the room." Randy said, looking at his fingernails. "I knew from the moment I saw him, he was vulnerable. It was like watching blood go down the drain. Tsk, sad I have to take away Vanoss's toy."

Half of the men carried the unconscious Jonathan inside and the rest stayed behind with Randy.

The man grabbed Jon's car keys and threw them to one of his guards, also grabbing his phone. "Take those and lock them in my office."

5 Missed Call(s)

23 New Messages

Randy rolled his eyes and swiped, finding it unlocked from earlier. Lucky him.

He went to messages and texted this 'Luke'.

Jon(Me): Hey, sorry I'm not answering. I'm at work and I can't talk rn.

Luke Skywalker <3: who's this?
Luke Skywalker <3: this isn't Jon...

Luke Skywalker <3: Jon doesn't use proper punctuation.

Luke Skywalker <3: who the hell is this and why the fuck do you have my fiance's phone you asshat

Incoming Call

Randy rolled his eyes and turned the phone off, deciding enough was enough.

No one was interfering.

That's final.

Should I bring back Veronica just for killsies? :3

Or nah?

You gon vote, comment and share???

Or naaaaahhhh.

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