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Be patient, Codettes. I'm stringing this along but yeah. The ending is coming.

Boohoohoo... *plays world's tiniest violin* x Unedited

Brock froze up and watched the lady with wide eyes, half expecting her to crack a smile and yell "kidding!" but the oh so serious look on her face told it all.


"I'm truly sorry. The place exploded around...11:59 am this morning. Many patients and doctors were still in the building so you aren't the only ones grieving right now..." She tried to flash a sympathetic smile but Brock looked down to his lap, taking interest in his hands.

"No...it...it can't be." Luke's voice cracked in the middle of his whispered sentence. His face was pale and his eyes searched the woman for a lie even if she forced her posture to be relaxed.

"We cannot know for sure if he escaped, Mr. Patterson. But the last and only footage recovered is this." The lady with blinding blonde hair, turned around a tablet, pressing play.

The video feed was grainy, and played no audio but there he was. Jonathan was swinging a bat at a man that the camera wasn't able to catch the face of.

The unknown man had a machete, and Brock's heart leapt into his throat, making it hard to swallow.

Jonathan got a good hit to the man and the camera cut out for a second, coming back on with the image of the man sticking the machete on Jon's calf, making the former fall down. The video stopped, showing error for only a second before lost connection.

The silence was slowly killing Brock as tears came to. Did he just witness his best friend's death?

"The man in the video with Dr. Dennis is suspected to be the cause of the bombing. We haven't found him because there is no face but I assure you, you're not the only one. There's Aaron Tago, Wren Grimsby..."

"That's not Jonathan." Luke whispered. He shook his head, as if he didn't want to believe anything she was saying. "Jonathan wouldn't hurt a fly. That's not him..."

"Sir..." The blonde lady frowned. "Face recognition matches up and..."

"No! You don't get it! He's my fiancé! He wouldn't- he's not de-....he's not-"

"Let's go, Luke. We can't keep Nogla and Mr. Rowley waiting." Brock's own shield was faltering as he voice cracked, throat closing up and tears filling his eyes.

He knows what it's like to lose a fiancé. And with old wounds reopened it was like that day they closed the case and left him with presumably dead.

Brock couldn't find the heart to speak anymore. He nodded in the ladies direction for a thanks as she watched him sympathetically as he tugged on his broken friend's arm.

Brock managed to Luke out the door, closing it softly behind them before the bearded man sunk to his knees, tears coming like a waterfall and sobs shaking his entire being. Brock let one sob escaped his lips before he bit them and joined Luke on the floor, embracing his heartbroken friend.

That's how Nogla and Mr. Rowley came to find the two men. And came to join them as well.


"What do you think about this, Delirious?"

Delirious looked up and blew a bubble with the gum he was chewing. Bryce held up black clothing, with a forced smile if you had trained eyes.

"Eh. Too....uh, not pretty and colorful." Del said after popping the bubble. He stuck the gum to the wall and grabbed the suit in Bryce's hands. He tossed it across the room, and looked through the rack.

"Um...is there a specific you're looking for, Jo- Del...?"

"Something that screams Delirious. Something that pops in color. Playful, and colorful."

"What...I'm...not sure we have those... Are you looking for girl clothes?"

"Is there a problem with that?" Del says as he walks further in the huge wardrobe. Bryce follows and whimpers. "No! I wear girl clothes too. Here follow me.

- xXForYouXx -

Delirious came out all dressed in black and red

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Delirious came out all dressed in black and red. Bryce smiled at him. "It suits you. Keep the clothes. Red and black suits you and not me."

"Fuck yes. Love it. I wanna dye my hair too... Mm, red would be nice. Oh! Red and blue."

"That's great, Jon- uh...Delirious..."

Delirious glared at Bryce. "Don't mention that name. He died along with the bastard Randy. Jonathan's gone. There's nothing nobody can do ta fix it. I mean, if ya got a problem, I'm sure ya wouldn't mind reportin' to my puddin'."
"No, no. You're Delirious. Not Jon..."

I'm not satisfied.

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