New Job

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A/N: I hope I portrayed the crazy joker in Vanoss right. Had to do a little research on Harley Quinn and her relationship with the joker between the comics and Suicide Squad. Holy shit, I never knew she had a daughter by the joker. But anywho, to make it a bit for my liking, I made Vanoss's crazy side to where he wasn't as abusive as DC Joker. Like a possessive insane Joker who only hurts those who oppose to him. And I will stop talking before I spoil anything else.

Oh! Vote, comment, share! All dat good stuff ;) Allie Out. x

( Edited)

When the newly put in alarm awoke Jonathan from his dream of flying elephants and dancing ducks, he muttered unintelligible curse words and rolled out of Luke's arms. It was way too early and his ass hurt like a mutherfucker. Damn Luke. 

The said man chuckled and wrapped his arms back around Jonathan, preventing him from getting up.

"Fuck yooooou, I have a fucking meeting but I can't go when I have my bastard of a fiancé not letting me get up. C'mon, dude. I gotta go piss, you hoe." Jonathan wriggled out of the bearded man's arms once Luke laughed hard enough to loosen his grip. "You calling me a hoe? And who was screaming who's name last night? Begging for more?"

"Fuck off. You literally live to make my life miserable."

"Nah. I live to watch over your dumb ass. If I turn my head for one second, you're giving money to homeless, donating like your life depends on it and running a campaign to treat people in nursery homes better. And that's just scratching the surface-" Luke cut himself off and guffawed at the look on Jonathan's face. "I'm taking a shower. And I'm locking the door so you can't get in." Luke's fiancé flipped him off with a playful glare went off to take his shower.

Soon after Jonathan was finished and Luke was taking his, the laptop chimed with a Skype call that had Jon rushing to the kitchen to answer it.

Nergla has invited you to group call - Answer or Ignore

Jonathan ran a hand through his damp hair before answering, immediately lighting up when he saw his friend of ten years. "Jonny boy! It's been ferever since we last saw ya."

"Hi Nogla."

"And Brock!" The said man popped his head from the kitchen into the camera's view which made a smile grace Jon's features. These two always had his back. "Hi to you too, Brock."

"How are you liking Dorgate City?"

"Pretty cozy so far. I like it here. Hey, I can't stay on for too long, guys. I have to go meet with my new boss at a psychiatric hospital." Jon looked at the clock on the oven and let out a breath. He had time. The gasp on the screen caught his attention and he looked over at the laptop. Nogla had a concerned look and Brock had come down to sit next to him. "What?" Jon asked hesitantly.

"In Dorgate City..? I mean, there's a lot of crazy people who do a lot of crazy things, Jon. And who knows what they can say or do that can make you spiral down that drain." Brock put in his two cents.

Jonathan rolled his eyes and sighed. He appreciated their concern but he's worked in psych wards before. He's heard it all. Killings, cannibalism, the baddest of the baddest.  He was considered unbreakable, but in Janesmurrow.

"Don't worry, you bitches. I'm pretty sure whoever I'm assigned to will be friendly and put their trust in me. Ok, I gotta go. Or I'm gonna be late."

"Bye Jon!"

"Call us or I'll come up there and beat yer ass."

"That's Luke's job." Jon smirked at the pure shock on David's face before he ended the call. He always liked teasing his potato friend.

Once the brunet left Luke a note saying he'd bring back McDonalds, he rushed out the door. Traffic was supposedly horrific.


"One little owl~....Two little owls~.....Two little owls and a baby owl~..."

Casey shifted in her seat uncomfortable and looked over at Randy who was sitting next to her. Why did she sign up for this?

"Mr. Fong, all we asked is why you aren't participating and working with us. We did not ask for an owl family story." 

Vanoss rolled his head with a rather large and overdramatic sigh. "I'm tired of blondes. Every person you send in is a blonde. I want a change. I don't want a vanilla. Maybe...chocolate. Yeah. Maybe I'll rate you four stars if you do, but you are cute, bambi." The Asian man winked at Casey and the woman looked at Randy for help. If Vanoss claimed he knew who your whole family is and he can get out word to kill them, you'd be freaked out too.

"One, stop giving my workers nicknames. Two, stop flirting with them. Three, I don't have time for this. I have someone new coming in and I need to interview him. Casey, you can go home. You'll be assigned to someone new and I'll just have to do something with him."

"Can't we just stuff him in a room with a straight jacket?!" Casey whisper shouted to the man.

Randy glared at the blonde. "That is against state law and isolation doesn't help the case. It'll just drive them up a wall and we don't need to make this one even crazier." The man stood and pressed a button in his jacket to indicate Vanoss needed to be put back in his room.

"A new person..? New sharkbait, huh Randy Candy?"

The dark haired male ignored Vanoss and headed for the door as two heavily armored men came in. Casey grabbed her bag and hurried to follow him.

"He can't do any harm, can he...?"

"No. Unless he doesn't get in the head of our new one coming in. I'll also have to up security so nobody can sneak in weapons."

"But what if he tips off to Vanoss's goons?"

Silence filled the hall until the crazed man's laugh from inside sounded. 

"...I'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen."

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