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I hate Norton Family Security with a burning passion deep within. x

Delirious's head was swimming.

It was like everything was rushing back to him at once.

He wanted-

No. He needed something... But he didn't know what.  It was all blurry to him and it was like watching your life crumble before your eyes. Needing something- a new lifeline- 

Luke was his hold, but now Luke's gone. Probably to play a part in another fake lie.

Here he was. Sitting in this gray room with gray walls and a gray floor. A single table in the middle of the room with knives and guns on it and a single light attached to the ceiling above it stuck out like a sore thumb.

You are a mistake! I wish I aborted you when I had the chance.

Delirious felt his fingers twitch, just itching to go over to the table of weapons. Everything was a lie.

His life was a lie.

His parents didn't die in a car crash. His mother - he ran away. His father-

It's all coming back to him now.

He was murdered.

All those childhood memories flashing before his eyes. His head throbbed and his fingers twitched.

You should be dead!

Delirious shivered and stood on two shaky legs, slowly walking over to the table. The cold cement floor beneath his feet didn't bother him. The chill didn't bother him.

One day, I will have you out!

He slid a gun off the table, twirling it between his fingers before bringing it up to his temple. The gun was empty, but it still didn't scare him. Instead, he pulled the trigger once and pretended he actually got shot, head jerking to the side and a crazy smile on his lips.

Get out of my sight, you piece of shit!

Delirious let the gun slip from his fingers carelessly and picked up a knife. It was sparkly and colorful. Bright blue and pink.

He brought the sharp object to his neck and pretended to slit his throat.

But he didn't drop the knife. He held it in his left hand and continued circling the table.

All these weapons Vanoss let him choose from, but one wasn't among the many, many choices of them.

Delirious pulled a revolver from the middle, aiming the barrel at the bottom of the floor and pulling the trigger. The satisfying bang of the gun had the brunette smirking, and he looked at the camera in the corner of the room.

"There's one more weapon that I want."

"Anything for my Blue." came from the speaker beneath the camera. Vanoss's voice.

Go to your room! Or I'll burn you with this iron!

Delirious could think of a hundred ways to kill his homicidal, sadistic mother. But Jonathan wouldn't even think of harming a fly.

No, no. Delirious has seen a flip side of things.

Guess this is the fun crazy people get up to.

"So, Hoodini. Got any bats?"


Bryce probably twisted his ankle running away from the psycho  that somehow survived the explosion.

But how?

He watched the footage. Jonath- no, his friend would never do that - Delirious beat his fucking head in!

It was raining. Which made it harder to run with a twisted ankle, but he didn't stop until he made it to the house Brock and Daithe shared. Which was a good hour or so away. When Bryce finally made it, he nearly cried from relief.

His lungs, ankle, and head ached. His hands were trembling either from adrenaline or the cold rain. Wait, scratch that, his whole body was trembling!

His legs felt like jello as he slowed to a walk, lightning lighting up the house. He collapsed on the doorstep and cried out, ankle twisting in an unnatural state.

Bryce, remembering Nogla drunkenly putting a key in the flower pot and forgetting about it, went just for that. He unlocked the door after dropping the key a few times because of wet, shaky hands.

When he crawled in, it was empty. Not a single light on but it looked the same. Same couch, same hanging pictures...

Exhaustion hit Bryce like lightning right there and then, and the blonde groaned, weakly crawling under the coffee table and curling up.

He closed his eyes and decided just a few minutes...


When Bryce came to, voices were heard and lights were on. He was about to crawl from under the table and make himself known, but one voice he recognized, one, he dreaded to hear.

"...I mean, it really can't be that bad."

"Are ye fockin' kiddin' me, Lui?! All the fockin rain got in me fockin shite and now I'm soakin' wet!"

"Babe, calm down. Not that serious-"

"And my socks are wet too!"

Lui?! Babe?!?

Bryce, now on alert, peeked from beneath the table and there they were: Daithe, and Vanoss's Head Tech, Lui.

Bryce dared not to make a peep.

"Just so fockin' cold."

"Ha, I'll turn on the heater while you can go shower. And I'll join you." Lui casually said as he took off his black jacket and threw it across the couch. Dangerously close to Bryce.

"Hey, babe. When is your friend, Brock coning?" Lui asked.

Bryce couldn't see him, but heard his voice carry from upstairs. "He won't be coming back! He's staying with a friend of ours so we've got the house to ourselves for a while!"

"Perfect..." Lui muttered to himself. Bryce felt so exposed under the coffee table and Lui right behind the couch. 

Soon after, Bryce heard a phone buzz, typing, then footsteps going up the stairs. That's when Bryce quietly crawled with aching limbs from under the table and into the kitchen. He grabbed vital things, like a water bottle, an apple, kitchen knife, and a piece of paper on the refrigerator that had an address and the words "Luke and Jonathan's new address".   Perfect.

Bryce carefully  opened and slid out of kitchen window, mentally groaned when he found it was still raining. It looked about midnight, and Bryce wanted to get to Luke as quickly as possible.

That'll be delayed by his ankle, but he'll get there.

Im tired. And I needed to stop procrastinating. So...enjoy this sloppy piece of shit. X

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