Arming Ourselves

832 67 31

Nothing to be said except. Hmm. Do we ever dream about our phones? X Not edited, I know jack shit about tech so go with it.





Admin_Override password entered.

    Reset T-3?
[Yes] or [No]?


Lui sighed and leaned back into his chair, rubbing his eyes. After connecting the robot to his computer, getting rid of any Trojans, getting past the passwords and untangling jumbled together coding, he finally managed to get to the core of this Terminator robot and reset him.

Randall should've went to college for coding because none of it matched up. All he did was scan the Terminator movie, pulled out a few commands and put them down. Some of them looked too advanced compared to the sloppy handwork he did. Lui almost cried when he pulled it up.

"Lui, hey." Craig came walking in like he wasn't supposed to be in bed.

"Why are you up?"

"Last time I checked, free country bud." Craig pulled up a chair backwards and sat on it, mindfully of his injury. Lui smirked, "Shouldn't you be guarded by your boyfriend?" he asked.

Watching Craig turn red like a fire truck made Lui laugh, speaking in his squeaker voice. "I ship it so hard! I can't wait to be an uncle!"

"Lui!!! Stop! We're not dating..."

"Didn't you guys fuck or something?"

"Shut up! We don't do that anymore! I hate being used."

Lui remembered finding Craig in the streets, back of a club and seducing the bouncer. All the while some people equipped with guns slipped in and out, money in hand.

That's where Lui learned Craig was called "Doll" for another gang that's not exactly Craig's or Lui's cup of tea.

Craig had excellent acting skills. From lying to serenading to acting. His voice never wavered on job. He was a distraction. A plaything. A doll.

Eventually Craig got fed up and used his own strength against the gang, escaping and running into Lui, again.

The shorter male looked at the computer, typing in some new commands after the reset was done.

The room was silent except for the ticking of the keys and beeps of the computers and monitors for the robot's levels for he's still human in many ways.

"How'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Connect to him so easily."

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