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Trigger elements - flashbacks and stuff

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Bryce watched as Ohm interrogated one of the men on the important board that had to do with choosing the mental ward Vanoss was placed in.

"I'm gunna ask you again. Where did you put my friend?"

"Up your ass." The board member, Harry Wicker spit on Ohm's hand and glared. "As if I'm betraying my country for your friend. Who is also a very much wanted killer."

Ohm smirked and cracked his neck. "Baby doll, come here please."

Bryce lit up and skipped over from his position next to the door. "Yes, daddy?"

"Go warm up my special taser."

"Ok, daddy!"

"And muzzle him, I don't wanna listen ta that."

One of Ohm's men immediately taped Harry's mouth whilst Bryce skipped out and to Ohm's door where he keeps his "taser".

Upon entrance, Bryce stopped when he came across his steel door reflection. This wasn't how he pictured his life to be. In service of a fucking crime lord. Torturing humans till they'd do anything willingly to escape. Insanity.

No, definitely not how he wanted his life to be.

Bryce always wanted to be a famous gamer. Wanted to make games. That dream was squashed as he was kidnapped by Ohmwrecker because his father had important information to his crew and to get it out, Bryce was the key.

"Damnit...don't think about it." The blonde walked into the room after putting in the pass code and sighed.

People say it was Stockholm syndrome that brought Bryce to his knees. Or the craziness that Ohm drove him through.

Bryce turned on the lights and saw the same metal table he was strapped to, the same buckles that held him down as he thrashed and kicked, the same light they shone in his eyes all over and over again.

The blonde turned on the machine, watched it whir to life, and blanked out.

"No! No! Let me go! Let me go! Please, I won't tell a soul! I promise!"

"Tch, Bryce, baby doll, you know that "I won't tell a single person" hardly works."

Hands were restraining the blonde as he tried to fight back, only to get a slap to the face and buckled down to the cold metal table. And after he was starting to warm up to Ryan, too...

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