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You all were disappointed because you didn't get an update. XD Well, here ya go.

"Mama! Look at my paper airplane!"

Caroline smiled and ran a hand through her brown stringy hair. "That looks amazing, sweetheart. Go show mommy."

Little Adeline runs off to go find Francie, her birth mom, while her blonde pigtails are bouncing and tutu is dancing up and down with every step.

Caroline rubbed her tense neck and sighed. She's been so on edge that day. Maybe  it was because Addy's birthday party was that morning, and she spent most of the time running after snotty kids. But how could she know? She just felt...tense.

The brunette stands and heads for her and Francie's bedroom. She wants to go outside and light a cigarette, but Francie doesn't like her smoking. Caroline never did quit drugs. She just went from one to another. Rehab was good in it's job but...

"Carol, why didn't you put Addy to bed? It's her bedtime!" Francie walks in. Despite her name, she has a slight Italian accent. Which has always humored everyone she's met.

Ever since...her...Caroline has been trying to clean up her act, but it always seems to catch up with her. With past relationships failing and dodging the law.

"-oline. Caroline! Are you even listening to me?"

A smile tugged on her lips as she heard "mia" at the end of her question but she looked up with seriousness.

" I'm not. Sorry, Francie." Caroline sighed. She looked anywhere except the fuming dirty blonde.

"You're doing it again."

Caroline  lazily rolled her head to ease tension in her neck. "Doing what?"

"Drugs. I know you are. Don't deny it. You've a been doing this over and over! When will the torture end?? I come to you a with my daughter who is now fatherless in hopes of finding someone she can look up a too! But if you don't a clean up your act, I will leave. With my Addy." Francie says with a sharp Italian accent. She then storms out, probably to sleep in the guest room, and Caroline is left alone. Again.

She rolls over to slowly turn off the lamp, leaving her in total darkness. Like she's always been. Nothing's worked out.

But all she could do was close her eyes and hope for another dreamless sleep. Because all of her dreams are filled with him...

Addy slowly opened her eyes and lazily looking across the room.

Adeline always woke up in the middle of the night. Mommy said something about brain activity but not like she could know. She's only four.

But as she laid in bed, there was noises. Soft and easily inaudible, but Addy heard them. She even watched as someone opened the window, climbed in, and swung a long looking stick around. Her nightlight didn't really show anything. But from what she could see, they looked like a he. And looked very similar to mommy's "possible x" as she puts it.

The unknown person looks at her, but for some reason, Addy doesn't scream or do anything. She just laid there clutching her teddy bear as he walked over slowly and kneeled down to her tot bed. Finally, he raises a finger to his lips and makes a shushing sound, almost lulling.

The man stands and gives an evil smile, before walking out of the room. Leaving Addy more awake than sleep.


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