Red and Blue

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Alright Codettes, not much of an AN except wow 3k reads. I'm shocked.

You can play the song around where you feel best. And I don't remember Suicide Squad tic points so. Yeah.
Not Edited.

Enjoy x

Jonathan's head was throbbing horribly with a headache. What made it when worse was that even with his eyes closed, he could see a bright light that'll possibly blind him once he opened his eyes. Jon reluctantly and slowly opened his eyes only to shut them and wince. He groaned but snapped his mouth shut once he heard talking.

Shit, he had unknowingly alerted his kidnappers to his wakening.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here~?"

The voice made the cogs in Jonathan's head stop turning and his slight wriggle stop. Vanoss's voice is like drugs to Jonathan. It made him turn into a lost child wanting their mommy. They needed mommy. And he needed Evan.


"Shhh, Delly. Don't talk." Vanoss appeared over Jonathan after the brunet finally opened his eyes.

Jon tried to move his head the best he could, angling his neck to look at the other people in the room. Guards. Had to be Vanoss's goons. There was one who had a bunny hood on that covered his eyes and he had his hand on the neck of a shorter male. He looked scared to Jonathan. Is that a unhooked straight jacket?


"W-..who's that?" Jonathan timidly asked. He felt small under the intimidating stares of everyone. His mind was screaming no but his heart and body were screaming- no, pleading yes.

Why was he so hooked onto Vanoss!? He's crazy! He possibly killed a man just to fucking go to him.

You weren't under the influence of drugs. You did that all in your right mind. Don't start.

'No...Luke..I belong to Luke.'

Hun, you're in for a rude awakening.

The sound of a machine whirring up jolted Jonathan back to reality. He leaned his head back to see Evan walking over with two things in his hand. Dread filled Jonathan all the way from his hand to his toes.

"You're Delirious. You're my Delly."

"A-are you gonna kill me?"

"Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya. Really. Really. Badly."

Something leathery was pushed into Jonathan's mouth and he chewed on it. A folded belt?

"You're finally mine Blue."

Before he knew it, Jonathan felt unspeakable pain go throughout his entire body. Like electricity bolts.

Everything was overwhelming him.


Never cared.

Never will.

Blue and red.




Daithe, Brock...

Jonathan... Gone.
Pain. Searing, hot pain pulsed through Jonathan's body yet he felt as if he were floating.

Jonathan...? Who's Jonathan...?


"Would you die for me?"


"Would for me?"


Delirious was floating. His head was pounding and his lungs were burning with the lack of oxygen.

All for Vanoss. This is all for Vanoss.

A hand grabbed his, pulling him until suddenly Delirious is taking gulps of air

He's taking staggering breaths and muscular arms are holding him. Delirious doesn't need to open his eyes to know who it is.


Lips clash together and Delirious clings to Vanoss's shirt, like the man would disappear.

This was right. Everything was right.

He no longer was sane, but delirious for Evan.

Delirious whispered to against the other's lips. "This is all for you. All...for you."

No, I'm not satisfied. Yes I know it's anticlimactic and dramatic and crappy. Hey, give me a break.

Luke will be the next chapter don't worry.

Also. Book is ending soon.

Sad face.

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