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(Not Edited)

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Jonathan and Luke ate dinner in silence on the night after the whole incident yesterday. Jon was noticeably quiet but Luke chalked it up to still slow his recover of the hypnosis. Daithe had informed him it'll gradually speed up and when it speeds it'll hit like a freight train.

Luke watched Jon look at his engagement ring every once in a while, like he was trying to keep himself from forgetting or something.

"Babe, you've been staring at it for a while."

Jon looked up from his ring and to Luke smiling. "It's so beautiful. I love it."

"Yeah, you cried when I proposed to you."

"It's really, really, beautiful."

A hand came into Jon's view and Luke interlaced their fingers. "Just like its wearer." 

A blush made its way on Jon's face and he looked away. Luke only grabbed his chin and turned Jon's head forward again, leaning over the table to  kiss him square on the lips.

A white flashed behind Jon's eyes as fast as he closed them but when he snapped them back open, there was pale skin, and black hair that was close up. The man pulled away and sat back down in the (metal?) chair across from Jonathan, but he didn't have a straight jacket. 


"I brought you a friend." 

Jonathan turned his head toward his left, seeing a mirror, with him siting at the table, putting the stuffed owl on it. But..he had a straight jacket on whenever he looked down.

  "I didn't know what animal you liked, and this was the first thing that came to mind...I can take it back if you'd like."

Jon turned back to Vanoss in front of him and gasped audibly when he faced Luke, who was staring right at him. "Welcome back to the world of the living."


"Fell asleep. Don't worry I put your food in the microwave." Luke smiled and grabbed his empty plate, standing and walking off to go put it in the dishwasher.

"I..." Jon repeated. He didn't know where he was. 

"Do you need something?" 

Luke's heart dropped as Jonathan stared at him like he didn't know who he was. His fiance.

"Jon...do you know who I am? Do you know me..?"

There was a long stretched silence before Jon spoke up. 

"I don't even know my own name."


Mini's heart was racing as he collapsed on the bed next to Tyler. 

Here goes the same cycle, over and over, awkward stares, strategy talk, fuck the night away, sleep, wake up, repeat. Craig was getting tired of being just a..."fuck buddy".

Not that he likes to admit it, but there was a small crush that lingered for Tyler even though all they basically ever did beside talk was fuck. 

"You ride like you've ridden before. Is there any other guys I should know about?" 

Mini tired not to tense as an arm slung around his face and pulled him to a muscled chest. 

"We're sweaty and smell of sex. I don't think now's the time to cuddle, Ty." 

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