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Ignore the false facts and go with it fuck a duck. Ignore mistakes I'll go over and edit later.

(Not Edited)

"Hey, Lui."

"Yeah?!" The short man replied in his speaker voice.

"You wanna know what stupidity looks like?"


"That." Marcel pointed to Craig and Tyler, who both were pointedly ignoring the other's presence. The tension was thick and Marcel could practically taste it on the tip of his tongue. Pft, love amateurs.
Lui laughed so hard he broke out of his squeaker voice. "That's stupidity? I thought it was being stubborn."


Both Craig and Tyler jumped and glared at Marcel who just wore a proud smirk.

"At least it got their attention." He said while chuckling.

Tyler turned his head to Craig, and the two made eye contact before the Brit quickly left the room, making Marcel and Lui groan. "Jesus fucking Christ, Mini. How dumb can dumb and dumber be?"

"Apparently retarded."

Tyler, who had heard the commentary, glared at the two and flipped the bird, causing the two to snicker.

"I will lock them in a room with nothing but a bed, lube, condoms and water."

"Marcel the matchmaker, aye?"

"That and they need to get their shit together if we're going to find Evan. Fucking retards." Marcel handed his AK he just freshly cleaned to Lui and almost walked off but the shorter of the two caught up to him.

"Wait, about Vanoss."

Marcel immediately stopped walking and turned to his friend. Lui isn't a new recruit but he's still fresh. He used to be a sniper, and wandered upon Evan's secret doors hidden all over the city. Now he doesn't snipe as much, but tracks.

"There's a man named  Dallas Calvin Lance. I uncovered some hidden government files. Apparently he's known for human experimenting, stalking, murder, and keeping hostages. But after some more research this man changed his name to prevent arrest."

"To?" Marcel questioned.

"Randall Lan. He owns about two mental asylums. And since he changed his identity, the forces were dumb enough to take it in the ass like a bitch."

Marcel's mouth fell open. "How did you find this out?"

"I changed the hack coding to go under the FBI files where the truth was rearing its ugly ass head." Lui set the AK down on a barrel of ammo next to them. "Randall himself must've hid it, since he has a degree in psychology, engineering, coding or technology and medical fields. That's all I could find out about him since the codes he put on it are constantly changing to prevent any chance of recovery."

"So he has Evan in one of his two asylums.."

"If the government is dumb enough to put him in the clutches of a "trusted psychologist", it's him."

"Well, once we get Evan out, we'll deal with Randall and continue to ride on top of this bitch city." Marcel grabbed his AK and aimed at a dummy with a target. He fired once and



Craig huffed and put another clip in the handgun. Firing shots at targets were good distractions when he was pissed off his shit. Tyler kept trying to talk to him but Craig wasn't going to be a fucking toy.

He was raised and trained to not fall in love but he did. Like a damn school girl.

"Hey, Craig."

The Brit's finger pulled the trigger a little too hard and he growled. Can't kill the ally, can't kill the ally..

"You don't sneak up on the guy with a gun, Wildcat."

"This is fucking stupid."

In one swift moment, Craig's gun was out of his hand and he's pinned against the table in front of him. Tyler is pressing up against him to the point if Craig move, he'd rub up against the other man.

"Stop running, Craig."

"Get the fuck off me, you prick."

"Can things just be the way they used to be?"

"Where I was your little slut? Where I was nothing more to you except a fuck toy?" Craig tried to wriggle but he could hardly move thanks to Tyler's large frame.

"It doesn't even have to sexual. Just...friends..."

That sentence killed both Craig and Tyler on the inside.

"Because I'm willing to meet you...properly. And Marcel is a bitch." Tyler let off Craig with a smile, turning him around. Craig's lips were twitching but his eyes were dazed.



"Hi. I'm Craig Thompson."

"I'm Tyler Wilde."

I'm going with Wilde because fuck a duck.(I say this a lot so...don't judge.)

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