Our Insanity Begins

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Lots of switching. Prepare.
Warning, trigger elements, past child abuse, past violence, etc.
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When Jonathan was called into work for an emergency, he wasn't expecting this as an emergency.

He took one step through the security door and saw patients running everywhere, with security guards rushing to restrain them. He heard tasers going off and crazy laughter that he grew familiar to hearing.

A body crashed onto his and he was faced with a Man with wide eyes. "Get me out of here! I can't take! I need my beloved flower! I need her! No one can have her but ME!"

The man was gone as fast as he was there and Jonathan straightened himself.

Ok, he was called in to go help restrain his patient(s), but there was only one. And frankly, Jonathan was scared to even go any further to him.

"Can...can't I save?"


'But I can save him.'

No you can't.

Jonathan ignored the negatory voice in his head and walked down the partially dark hallway. It was lit up dim blue.

"I can save him."

Meanwhile Evan had just got done putting Wren in the straight jacket, and putting the muzzle on her. He pushed the unlocked door open and was unfazed by the chaos happening in front of him. He didn't know if Lui caused the blackout or not but hey- gift horse, man.

He begin to walk forward. If all the doctors and nurses were called, then Jonathan must be here. His Blue was here.


Jonathan felt at ease in the middle of all this craziness. Like he was there before. Any normal person would be shaking in their boots at the sound and sights. Any trained professional would be wishing they had gotten at least a massage before this.

Not Jonathan. It was like walking through hell with fireproof skin. Like you belonged there.


Evan knocked out the third guard and continued his walk casually. Most of them had their hands full with the patients that were more louder about their insanity.

He saw red. And blue. The emergency lights were blue. They were leading down the hallway. Like the blue was leading him to his Blue.

Do you know what red and blue makes?


Exactly, Evy


All these voices were going through Jonathan's head and he didn't know where they came from.

But there was one

It's alright, Jonny.

That was comforting.

You're ok, babe.

It was soft.

It's called not normal.

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