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Bryce actually had to dye his hair and wear eye contacts just so he wouldn't get recognized by cameras. In his time during all this gang stuff, he learned that there was so much to security cameras that there was no end to the dangers.

Bryce tried not to run a hand through his hair too much. It was still damp and soft but at this rate, he'll have dye on his hands.

He slipped off the bus after paying the bus driver with money he "borrowed"(hey, it's not like it he hasn't done it before), and walked off toward his old apartment. If he was going to head back to Luke then he'd need a good cover for a smooth slip in.

Because the last time they saw each other, it was rocky.

The best mistake turned out to be a beautiful nightmare.

Luke was right to be suspicious. Ohm never really did normal people stuff or acted normal.

Every time they went on a date, Bryce caught someone staring at him but never at Ohm. It was a threatening protective.

"Get it together, Bryce..." The blonde scolded himself as he tightened a fist around the hem of his purple hoodie. He continued trekking to the broken part of Dorgate City, just bordering the river and a whole lot of empty. That was his sort of hometown, question mark. With his parents divorced, he traveled between luxury and poverty.

Bryce climbed under a wore down gate and headed for his old apartment.

"You know I love you ...right?"



"Yeah, yeah. Love you too, baby boy."

There was no one around, so it was ok to cry but Bryce didn't. He shook his head and continued walking toward the rundown apartments.

Old times sake, he told himself. Then to Luke's.

"God, I hope that he isn't-"

Suddenly, the wind was knocked out of Bryce as he was forced to a wall. A hand clamped down over his throat and Bryce immediately pulled the gun from his hidden belt, taking off safety and aiming for the attacker's head.

Bryce's ears picked up a hushed chuckle.

"Open your eyes, boy. How are you going to shoot with eyes closed?"

Bryce didn't even know they had unconsciously slipped shut. He snapped them open and honest to god screamed.

Half burnt face, blood everywhere, one eye missing, a few pieces of hair in tact, and it looked like half his face melted and stayed.

It looked straight out of a horror gory scene.

The hand tightened around his throat and cut off his scream.

"Shhh...I won't kill you. You could be of use."

Bryce shot anyway. Shot once. Twice. Three, four, five times before he stopped.

He shut his eyes again as the hand loosened, person stumbling back. Whoever that was.

But the bullets didn't kill him. The man only stumbled back and more blood poured out. He cracked his neck and stared at Bryce threateningly.

"What can't kill you makes you stronger."

Bryce hurriedly reloaded and pointed at him again but the man moved fast, grabbing Bryce's head and smashing it to the wall. Not enough to knock him out but enough to make him see stars and fall.

Bryce blinked multiple times as he saw double, feeling off balance just on the floor.

"He. He took down my empire. All my research gone. The formula for the Expertanium is gone because of him. Vanoss will pay, starting with you." The deformed man raised this bloody machete and prepared to chop, but Bryce aimed and shot. Right at his balls.

Because every man's weakness.

The man hunched over in pain and Bryce scrambled to his feet despite the dizziness and ran. Ran in the worn down apartments that he could surely lose the man in.

But the man didn't follow.

The injection Jon had given him had a reverse side effect. Better healing factor and enhanced everything. Regular bullets didn't affect him. Just like having his head smashed in with a bat and being nearly blown to smithereens.

Randall only smiled and started to laugh.

"Yes. You will pay, Vanoss."

Hate me? X

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