Forty One

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I sat with Cal in my living room. He was shivering a bit, from either the cold or tonight's events. Either way, I gave him a cup of tea and a blanket. He wrapped himself up in it and we sat down on the sofa.

"How many times are we going to do this Cal?" I groaned.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled numbly, "Simon is just... amazing. So amazing everyone he meets loves him so much you have to fight for his affection. Si ruins lives without even realizing it."

"I understand," I nodded. To be honest, I really did. If Simon ever talked to anyone else I became completely jealous.

"I don't want him to know because it would-"

"Destroy him."

Callum nodded, surprised I understood. I smiled a bit. Even though we were constantly fighting, we had something in common. Our love for Simon. 

I got up to go grab myself a drink, "do you want a beer?" 

Callum shook his head and said, "I'm fine with the tea, but thank you though." 

I was sorting around the fridge, "what did you think when you first met Simon?"

Cal coughed, "back then, I was sort of in a 'relationship'," he used hand quotations, "with a girl. I broke it off the day after football tryouts, when I felt something with Si."

I groaned, taking a sip of my drink, "I remember."

Cal laughed, "you didn't make the team."

I nodded, "but Simon did. I have no regrets there." I sat back down next to Cal. 

"I miss school, you know? When I could actually play football. Now I have this thing weighing me down, " Cal shook his fake leg.

"It was all my fault. I just watched you get hit by that truck. You didn't deserve it. I did. I was a complete brat back then."

Cal stared at the ground, looking away from me. I was guessing he was trying not to cry again. 

"I'm sorry," I took Callum's hand, feeling a little dizzy. He looked back at me, smiling. His eyes were electric. 

Cal held my hand tighter, but I felt my heart pounding like a drum. I turned away, taking a breath of air. This couldn't be happening.

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