Your First Date

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A/N: I really hope you like it! This is one is basically a continuation of the last one.

When you got home that day you were so excited that you closed the door and and started jumping around and you shrieked causing your Owl and your cat to run/fly out of your living room. When you finally calmed down you sat down on your couch and wondered to yourself, did that really just happen or did I get knocked out when someone ran into you? When you finally reassured yourself that it actually happened you went to your kitchen and ate dinner. Afterwards you decided to go to bed early. You did go to bed early but you didn't start sleeping until much later because you couldn't stop thinking about his beautiful blue eyes and his warm, comforting smile.
                              *Time Skip*

That morning you got up with a skip in your step, you didn't have to be there until 7:00 but you knew it would take you hours to consider yourself presentable so you took your shower early so your hair could air dry. While your hair dried you say on your couch and read your favorite book. Time couldn't seem to go fast enough as you awaited seeing him again
                               *Time Skip*
It finally reached 6:00 and you decided to put on the dress you picked out, that was casual but no too casual. Your hair, you did in loose curls and you did light makeup so you didn't look like you caked it on your face. At 6:45 you were ready, you grabbed your purse and walked down to the diner which isn't too far from your apartment.

When you arrived he was waiting at the door with a bouquet of red roses. You accepted the flowers with a thank you and a smile, and walked through the door he held open.

"You look lovely." He said when you were seated at a table close to the window.

"That's very kind of you and you look very handsome." You replied, and at that he blushed, obviously not used to being complimented.

After you ordered you spoke about anything and everything, without awkward silences you were afraid of. When your food arrived the conversation mellowed down but did not completely subside which made you feel happy to be with someone you could talk to.

At the end of the dinner he paid and offered to take you to ice cream at Diagon Alley, which of course you agreed because ice cream was your favorite! You apparated to the shop and ordered you favorite ice cream. When you got it, you sat down at one of the tables and spoke about what you did in the ministry.

When you finished your ice cream he took you back to the door of your apartment.

"I think that was the best time I've had in a while." You said

"And I as well." He replied

"Thank you for this." You said

"It was my pleasure, we should definitely do this again sometime."

"Definitely, anyways thank you and goodnight!" You finished

"Yes, goodnight." He said, before he laid a warm kiss on your lips that felt like you could stay their forever, but to soon it felt like you separated. With a smile he left down the hallway. You unlocked and opened, stepped through, closed then locked your door. You pressed your back into the door and slowly slid down onto the floor with a smile plastered onto your face as you thought of how perfect your first date was.

A/N: That was a little longer than they will normally be! I really hope you liked it because I loved writing it!

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