New Years

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A/N: Happy 2019 Everyone! This story really took off this past year and I am so grateful for everything it has brought about! Enjoy!

15 Minutes Until Midnight:
The elegance of the ballroom where you now stood was definitely not your scene, you preferred to be cuddling on the couch in you pajamas with your boyfriend but the two of you had been invited to a fancy New Years party hosted by one of your more extravagant friends. There were people all around you wearing dressing and suits that cost more than your house which made you feel extremely out of place. Newt, who you hadn't seen for a few minutes, was the one person in the room that made you feel more comfortable and relaxed. Without him there it was a little too much to handle. You stepped out of the room onto the balcony for some air.
7 Minutes Until Midnight:
You leaned against the railing of the balcony, the coolness of the metal nipping at your skin but also bringing you back down to earth. The fact that you hadn't died of a heat stroke in there from the breath and body heat of all the people in there was as miracle. You took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit. When you finally felt like you were okay to go back inside and find Newt you heard a comforting sound coming from behind you, you felt his warm breath against the cool skin on your neck.
"What the matter?" He asked
"Nothing I just needed some air, I couldn't find you anywhere and the party was just too much."
"I know how you feel, I was trapped with the slightly tipsy Minister in the kitchen for a total of ten awkward introductions to his friends as his next 'prodigy', I thought I was going to melt into the carpet." He said with a reluctant smile
"Well at least you're a prodigy." You said with a laugh "I'm just an awkward girl standing alone at a party."
"Well you're not standing alone anymore."
"I guess there's that."
30 Seconds Before Midnight:
Everyone began screaming the countdown and before you knew it, the new year was approaching sooner than before.
20 Seconds
"But I'm glad you made it back in time."
10 Seconds
"In time for what?"
5 Seconds
"For this" when everyone around you screamed Midnight you grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and smashed your lips to his. He seemed taken aback by the sudden action but moments into he kissed you back. You stepped back and chuckled when you saw the bewildered look on Newt's face.
"Well I guess I'm glad I was back in time."
You grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back into the party, ready to take on the new year with him.
"Minister I'd love to stay and chat but Newt and I need to... be somewhere."
"Oh that's alright where are you two off to at midnight?"
"Well have a nice trip."

A/N: I know this kinda sucks but hey I'm working on a lot of different things right now and really wanted to give you guys something. I am working on a bunch of new parts so stay tuned! Please vote, comment, and subscribe.

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