Newt and Tina Part 2

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A/N: Okay so this one will end in a happier note then the last one, luckily. Thanks for all of the support and keep it up! Please comment and vote if you like it and request new ideas if you'd like! Enjoy!

After you stormed out of the ministry you decided it'd be best if you take a walk and sort out your head before you did anything rash. So you went to the park a few blocks away and started walking on the path you usually walked on... with Newt. You immediately chose a different one next to it and began walking and clearing your thoughts, you began wondering what he was trying to explain before you walked out of the building  but pushed the idea out of your head, you didn't care and it didn't matter anyway, he had left you for someone else just like you had always feared he would. You just didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell you instead of kissing one of your best friends on your anniversary.
You continued walking along the path you had chosen with your head down when suddenly you ran into someone.
"I am so sorr- wait? Y/N?" A man's voice said before you looked up to see Jacob Kowalski stand there in front of you.
"Hello Jacob how have you been?" You said trying to cover your previous sadness with a pasted on smile.
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm just peachy."
"Well you've got to be better then that! Have you spoken to Newt today?" He asked
"Well I'd by spoken to you mean walking in to his office while he is kissing another woman who happens to be my friend then yes I have spoken to him today." You said without realizing that you were ranting to a man you only knew through Newt.
"What! He told me that he was going to-" he stopped himself before he could finish that sentence.
"What? He was going to what?"
"Nothing, I think you need to go and see your boyfriend right now."
"Why so he can formally break up with me?"
"No, so he can- you know what just go talk to him."
"Just go!"
"Fine!" You yelled as you walked back towards the ministry and your apartment, mumbling to yourself and thinking about how awful this is going to go.
When you arrived back at your apartment you walked in to Newt sitting on your couch with his head in his hands. When he heard the door close he instantly looked up to see you walk in.
"I know my name." You said sarcastically walking over to the couch and stood in front of him with your arms folded.
"Y/N I am so sorry you saw that I was-" he started saying really fast.
"Woah, slow down and tell me what happened"
You said coldly
"Well I was in my office when Tina walked in which was a shock because I knew she was arriving soon but I thought it would be like tomorrow and we were talking about different things and she asked me about you and I told her that today was our anniversary and I planned to-" he stopped himself and looked down
"You planned to what?"
"That I planned to propose tonight."
Your eyes widened at his words.
"And after I said that she told me that she might as well say that she always had a thing for me and I should be with her and then she kissed me and you had already seen and ran away before I had the chance to push her away." He said finally looking you in the eyes after he finished.
You had tears in your eyes as you couldn't stop thinking about how he was going to propose to you of all people in the world not Tina nit some other girl, you.
"And well I had planned to do this after a romantic dinner but here goes," he said as he got of the couch and onto one knee and your hands flew up to your mouth, "Y/N L/N I've known that you were the one that I would marry some day since the moment I met you, and since then you have shown me even more how perfect you are for me and how perfect we are for each other, so will you let me spend the rest of my life with you and marry me?" He asked hopefully
"Of course!" You yelled diving into him knocking you both over onto the ground. He slipped the beautiful diamond ring onto you finger and you both stayed on the floor in each other's arms for what seemed like ages, both of you safe in the arms of the love of your life.

A/N: I really hope you guys liked it! If you did vote and comment and also follow me! I'm working on some other requests if you want to send some more to me! Have a lovely day or night!

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