7 Minutes

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A/N: This is also a request from a reader named @HeyItsDaRae and @willow_riddler, Thanks so much for the Request! If you liked how it turned out please comment and tell me so I can fix it if you didn't like it! Hope you like it! Wow I uses a lot of exclamation points but hey! Who cares!

You sat in the Room of Requirement with fellow Hufflepuff 5th years along with a few from other houses. You weren't quite sure how you had arrived in a very awkward game of 7 minutes in heaven with the most amazing guy in the whole world but here you were. You all sat around the room after placing your name on a piece of paper and placing it in a hat. They were all chastising a Ravenclaw girl to go first before she caved and went up to the bowl and chose a name. It went on like this for a long time, all the while you were sitting there trying to not be too obvious as you stared at the wonder that was Newt Scamander. Sadly he was very interested in talking to his friend Leta Lestrange who you just knew was trouble. You only came back to reality when one of your best friends was telling you that it was your turn.

"No... I think I'll pass on this one." you said trying to keep the blush from rising on your face.

"C'mon Y/N its just for fun." she said nudging you forward, toward the hat.

"No seriously, I'm good" you said burying yourself deeper into the couch you were sitting in

"I'm not taking no for an answer." she said before she lifted you up and pushed you towards the hat.

"Okay! Okay." you said finally caving in. You put your hand into the hat thinking to yourself Please don't be Newt. Please don't be Newt... And for once the universe was on your side when you pulled the name of a random Gryffindor.

**Time Skip a very awkward 7 minutes, because I can't think of anything for that moment**

You sat back down next to your best friend, "Happy now?" you asked passive aggressively.

"Yes actually." she said smugly

The game went on what seemed like forever until you heard a very dreamy voice call your name.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" Newt asked from the middle of the room. Your stomach dropped down to the center of the earth, went to the other side of the earth, had some Asian food, went back through the center of the earth, and came back to you with take-out. A huge blush rose to your face as you stood up a went into the closet with Newt. Someone shut the door and there was an awkward silence for a few moments that lasted ages.

"Ummm, I'm Newt." he said

"I know, oh sorry, that sounded creepy, I'm Y/N" you replied internally kicking yourself.

"That's alright." he said from the other side of the closet, another awkward silence ensued and you just had to get it off your chest.

"Okay so, I'm just going to tell you now that I've had a big crush on you ever since our 2nd year when we had Potions together, I know I probably sound like a big weirdo right now but hey I just wanted to let you know." You said before you even realized what you were saying

"Really, I mean I thought that you didn't even know who I was! I've had a crush on you since 3rd year..." he replied shyly and even though you couldn't see his face well in the dimly lit closet, you could hear it in his voice that he had the same blush on his face that you did.

And before you could talk yourself out of it you moved over to his side and placed a soft kiss on his lips, where he immediately kissed you back, you put your arm around his neck and he put his hand on your waist. you sat there in that moment for a while before you needed to pull away for air. You looked into his eyes and he looked into yours, and in that moment you both knew that this was only the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

A/N: AHHHHHH! This is absolutely amazing how many people are reading this book! Soon we'll be at 10k! I just want to say thank you! Also if you liked this book please comment and vote. I love doing requests so please leave them in the comments! Hope you liked it!

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