Sleeping In

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A/N: Hope you think this is good!

You and Newt had recently moved in together and to be honest it was great! You saw him everyday, you walked to work together, and on days off you spent the whole day together.

The night before you had both had long, taxing days at the Ministry, but thankfully you had the next day off so you could just spend the whole day in bed... Or so you thought.

"Y/N come on! You have to get up! We have loads to do!" Your boyfriend yelled from the living room

"I have loads to do right now, you know lying in bed all day, sleeping all day, cuddling, see my day is totally booked!" You say turning back over.

"Come on, Y/N we have to do something today!" He said sitting down on your side of the bed. "We had things to do and places to see!" We have-" you cut him off with a soft kiss on his lips before pulling him down back into bed with you. "Yeah you know," he started once you separated, "I think that just this once we can just relax and stay in bed today."

"Wow what a quick change of heart." You stated with a mocking smile.

"No, darling, I think that you just reminded me how much I want to stay with you all day." He replied smiling back at you.

A/N: That one wasn't the best but hey! Hope you enjoyed I would love for you to make some more requests, I am working on one of the requested stories.

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