Into the Case!

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A/N: Basically a little while into your relationship Newt decides that it is time to show you his beloved case.

You and Newt had been dating for a little over two months and he asked you to come on a date with him and of course you agreed. You were excited for your date so you got ready almost hours before you needed to be. A few hours later he appeared in your doorway with his case in hand and the smile you loved so much on his face,

"Ready to go?" he questioned

"Of course." you replied 

"Then we're off!" he said enthusiastically as he grabbed your hand and practically pulled you out the door. You walked through the streets of London when you arrived in a small alleyway full of garbage and empty crates.

He carefully laid his case down on towards the side of the alley.

"Do you trust me?" he asked

"With all my heart." you answered not sure what was about to happen

"Then lets go." he said smiling before he opened the case, which puzzled you even further. Your questions were somewhat answered when he started to get into the case. At first you thought he was crazy, then you realized he was actually getting fully into the case. When you couldn't see his beautiful strawberry blond hair anymore you saw his hand motion for you to flow his actions.

Once you were in the case you fell into what seemed to be a small house, where you saw your boyfriend leaning up against a counter. 

"What is going on?" you inquired, still taking in your current surroundings.

"This is where I keep my animals, this is where I keep them from harm and care for them this is my home." He stated opening the door to the small house where you saw a very large bird you didn't know the species of, huge beetles pushing around balls of dirt, and many other animals you could not explain.

"Wow!" you exclaimed, "This is beautiful!"

"Well yeah it is pretty beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." he commented

You tried to hide the blush that had displayed itself across your face but failed miserably. "Anyways show me around I want to see them all!" you declared changing the subject

"Of course! There are so many things to show you!" He said grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door. And with that, he told you all the things you could ever want to know about each and every animal he had.

A/N: Hope you liked it!! Please comment ideas and requests and I will be happy to write them for you!

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