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A/N: Just something cute I thought of while I was staring bored-ly out the window during Health Class.... And as always, Hope you like it!

You were listening to music in your living room dancing around after a long and stressful day at work. You had the music as loud as you could have it so you didn't hear the front door creak open nor did you see your boyfriend of a year and a half standing in the doorway watching you crazy dancing with a loving smile on his face.

You were spinning around when you stopped turning towards the door finally opening your eyes a jumping before you realized he was standing there, "Oh, Newt! I didn't see you there, how long have you been their exactly?" You said, embarrassed that he saw you acting like a fool.

"Not long, but just long enough to see your marvelous dancing." He replied still smiling

"Very funny." You said turning off your record player and walking towards him

"No, seriously. They were quite good. I never learned to dance. Will you teach me?" He asked hopefully

"Of course." You replied with a small smile.
"Okay come towards me and place your hand on my waist." You said taking hold of his hand and placing your own hand on his shoulder. "Okay just look into my eyes and follow my movements." You instructed

"Okay, like this?" He asked looking down at your feet to match it perfectly.

"Yes but look at me." You said, taking your hand off his shoulder and moved it to lift his chin lightly until he was looking deeply into your eyes. You felt like you were swaying together so perfectly that you could just drown in the blue ocean of his eyes before he used his own hand to lift your head until your lips were softly touching his. You stood there like that for what it felt like a perfect infinity that you could stay in for the rest of your existence, but too soon you both split apart and continued dancing as you laid your head on his chest and swayed to the sound of the music and the beat of his heart.

A/N: I hope you liked it I know it was kind of corny and cheesy but I thought it was cute... Please comment ideas!

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