Pregnant Protection

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A/N: So this one was requested by @toxickittyspirt awhile ago and I'm just now getting around to doing some of my requests that I got about a year ago so like bear with me, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy this!

You laid with your swollen belly on the couch, trying to get comfortable while reading was impossible you decided, so you closed your eyes, trying to at least get some rest before your husband arrived from work. You were just starting to dose when you felt a jolt on your stomach, you opened your eyes thinking it was only a kick, which you had grown accustomed to these days but no, it was a fully grown niffler trying to pocket your wedding ring right off your finger. You sat up a decided that sleeping was futile as well.
Newt's POV:
I opened the door, it was a long day at the ministry, so many people nagging and pushing me in one direction or another but, I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my wife before it was more than just the two of us. But when I looked into the apartment, no life was to be seen, which was unusual due to all the life living below. I looked in every room, but they were just as barren, as I approached the basement door I heard what I was looking for. Her voice carried through the door and lilted me to the staircase. Walking down the stairs, the beautiful sound grew stronger, and when I reached the bottom the image in front of me was too adorable to even comprehend.
She sat in a chair, the various surrounding animal habitats buzzing with life, but sitting around her, were creatures looking as if they were trying to protect her from harm. He got a feeling in his chest of warmth the spread throughout his body. She was singing to them, to them and the child she carried. Beautiful melodies and lyrics that made tears come to his eyes. She noticed him all of a sudden and her cheeks stained red.
"So you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation." She said with a small smile, looking towards all of the animals surrounding her. The bowtruckles sitting on her belly protected the baby fiercely, as the stuck out their tongues at Newt for causing her to stop the singing.
"No I have a pretty good guess on why" I began with a smile in return, "they did always like you better."
"That's a lie, it's just that I'm expecting a child so they seem to get a little protective."
"Fair, but they still have always liked you, and don't stop singing on my account, I have always loved your voice, and it seems that you have some other admirers as well." I said motioning my hand toward her little guarding audience surrounding her.
"Well I wouldn't want to let them down." She responded before beginning to sing right where she left off.
I set down my case and jacket near the basement door and leaned in to press a kiss to the top of her head before going off to tend to the needs of the remaining creatures, but the ones protecting my wife were protecting her too well, whenever I would lean in closer I would hear at least one growl from a different one each time, when getting near her deemed itself impossible I stood back, "Well I guess I'll just have to wait until later then" winking at her and then carrying on with the chores that needed to be done.
She laughed and continued her song, finishing that one and then starting a new one right afterwards. Her voice made it hard to stay away but the creatures protecting her made it quite easy for now.
"Newt I need help, I'm hungry and they won't get off!"
"Coming, dearest."

A/N: Hoped you guys enjoyed that one! I always accept requests at any time and love hearing from you guys. Thank you for all of the reads and votes that have gotten this book to nearly 80k! I sometimes go back and look at my older parts and look at my authors notes and see how I was so excited to be at like 10k and now to be where I am, I'm just so proud! Love you all!

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