Date Gone Wrong!-ish

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A/N: Soooo Sorry this took so long I've been putting off finishing it for a while now! But I decided I should probably just finish it. I hope you like it, if you do please Vote, Comment, and Follow me! Any ways this one was requested by @th3wint3rbuck, I really hope it was what you thought it would be! Thanks for the request I love hearing from you guys!

You examined your appearance in the mirror as you got ready for your 2 year anniversary date with your dashing boyfriend, you were very excited as he had just gotten back from the   US and you hadn't seen him in two weeks and you also couldn't believe that the two of you had been together for so long, it felt like you had met him only yesterday.
Once you decided you were finally presentable you looked at the clock to notice he should be here in a few eon-like minutes. So you turned on some music hoping that time would go faster, which it did, you made it through a whole record which was strange because when you looked at the clock again you realized at Newt was an hour late! He usually was very punctual and was always on time, because he knew that you would worry otherwise. Which was right because you were worried, you just kept thinking, What if he's hurt?, What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?, What if he found Someone better in the US?. You were a wreck, so you sat down and thought of the positives, Someone would have Called if he was hurt., He wrote me letters while he was awa-, That's it, the letters!, You had almost forgotten about the beautifully written letters he had sent you while he was away, they would surely help you calm down. You got up to get the box from under the bed when you heard the door being unlocked and then opened you didn't have to even see his face to know who it was, you ran over to him and he engulfed you in a big hug.
"Y/N I am so sorry!" He exclaimed with a mic of guilt and sadness spread accords his face, "I just got off the ship and-"
"It's okay really I just want to be with you now, it doesn't matter, let's go." You said trying to alleviate his guilt, you knew he had to be feeling as bad as you were being late.
He dropped his things and grabbed your hand leading the way to your favorite diner down the street. You opened the door to the outside without even noticing that it was pouring down rain, even before you could apparate away you were drenched.
"Great weather we're having, huh?" You said wiping the hair out of your face.
"The best I've seen in years." Newt said while smiling and shaking his head, though you could tell only because you know him all to well that he was actually a anxious wreck. He opened the door and motion for you to walk through which you definitely excepted to to get out of the tsunami occurring outside.
You were sitting down at your table when a very beautiful woman walked over to your table and laid down two menus. "So what can I get for you to drink today." She said staring directly at Newt while batting her eyes.
You placed your orders and Newt started telling you what it was like in the US, it was cute to see his face light up when he was talking about his creatures and how passionate he got. Right in the middle of him talking the waitress came up and set the drinks down on the table, knocking yours over so it would spill on your outfit, she started fake-ly apologizing non-stop (gentlemen of the jury I'm curious bare with me) about how it was an accident and how "sorry" she was.
"It's fine really." You said with tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
She then proceeded to flirt more with Newt while she was ordering both of your meals. This of course was infuriating because for one she was flirting with your boyfriend and you were right their but also Newt didn't seem to notice, he was just looking at you. When you had finished your meal you were so upset you were about to up and leave, she had spilled some of your food on you but also she "wasn't looking" and spilled some of Newt's meal on him so she picked up your napkin and tried to wipe it off of his chest, which she then began complimenting him on for the rest of your dinner. After he paid the waitress said something about the two of them going out on a date, but that was it, Newt grabbed your hand and sped out the door. Before you could say a word he had apparated you both back to your apartment, you then opened your mouth to speak but before you could say anything he kissed you. You were lost for words he almost made you forget everything that occurred at your horrible date. Once you pulled away you stood there dumb-founded while he anxiously repeated many apologies.
"Y/N I am so sorry, that was horrible you don't deserve that, I don't deserve you, I'm sorry." He repeated things to this effect for at least five minutes he was very embarrassed and nervous and guilty all at the same time even though it really wasn't even his fault.
"Newt, darling it's okay, really! I'm more mad at that waitress than I am at you she was staring  at flirting with you all night!" You weren't usually the jealous type but she had struck a major nerve.
"All night I thought it was just towards the end." He said confused
"Yeah it was gross, you didn't notice?"
"You are the only one I notice, why would I bother with her if I had the most amazing person in the whole world in front of me?" He said with a hint of a smile on his voice that made you smile back.
"I'm still gonna fight her later though."
"Y/N no."
" Y/N yes."

A/N: I really hoped you liked it! Please comment if you did and also vote! Don't forget to follow me and add this to all of your reading lists! I've always wanted to know, what do you guys think I look like? Like I always think an author looks the complete opposite of what the really look like, what do you think? Comment! Have a lovely rest of your day!

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