Loving the Enemy

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A/N: This is a request from @gryffindorheart123. Hopefully this is what you pictured for it. I really hope you enjoy reading it. The book is almost at 100k!!!!! This is amazing and crazy and I can't say how much I appreciate everything you guys do to support the story and I would just like to say thank you! Love y'all, and enjoy!

The Hall was cold, not only due to the fact that it was underground and the temperature was low but the Wizards and witches standing around you and the topic they were discussing was unbearably without compassion. Your brother stood in the center of the hall, lecturing to his companions, talking of his vision where the world and it's muggle inhabitants were ruled by the magic-wielders. The people around him were convinced but you, his own sister, not so much.
He droned for hours on end and you could feel yourself beginning to drift into a complacency, waiting for it to end. Your thoughts ran rampant through your head, of what your brother would say and do if he ever found out your secret.
You caught a glimpse of reddish brown heist and freckles and your heart sunk.
What is he doing here you thought to yourself, if he gets caught he's a goner and there is no way that you could handle that. So you followed him and in the moment you didn't notice your brother eyes upon you as you moved towards the man you loved.
"Newt what are you doing here?"
"Well, er, it's a rather long story that we don't really have time for right now."
"What do you mean, if he finds you, he will kill you. We need to get you out." You said with urgency in your voice.
"No I came here because I want you to know that I am not afraid of the consequences, I love you and I want to be with you, Y/N, so I think we should tell your brother."
"Now? This doesn't seem like the best time, he's talking about making wizards ruler of the world which is something you quite outwardly are against, Newt, I love you too but I don't think you really thought this through."
He opened his mouth to respond when he was cut off.
"Mr. Scamander, may I ask what your business is here today, especially talking to my sister." His voice echoed out through the room and collectively hundreds of heads with dead eyes turned towards the two of you.
"He was just leaving." You said pushing him towards the door.
"No, sister, it seems as though there is something that he wants to say to me."
Newt looked towards the ground embarrassed with all the attention that was now upon him. "Well there is something but I think it's best if we talk about it later." His eyes not meeting yours.
"No by all means go ahead, you've already interrupted my entire speech with your obvious pining after Y/N, quite pathetic actually."
"Brother..." you warned
"No honestly, does he actually believe that you could ever love a blood traitor like him, who obsesses over simple creatures and publicly opposes her brother."
Newt's face darkens into a deep shade of crimson as he tries to make himself smaller and less noticeable.
"That's enough." You say, your voice starting to shake.
"No I'm not finished, he comes here hoping to win you over, truly believing you could ever have any feelings other than hate for someo-..."
"That is ENOUGH." You yell across the room, many people gasp, taken aback by the outburst from you, who is usually very quiet, "I am SICK of you deciding everything for me, I don't think wizards are any better than muggles, especially wizards like you who are always degrading anyone who disagrees with you! I am in love with Newt and if you have a problem with that then good riddance, you'll never have to see us again."
You grab Newt's hand and storm towards the door not looking back, although you can guess as much that your brother would look stunned.
As soon as you get outside you sit down on a bench and put your hands over your face. The two of you sit in silence for a few long moments.
"Yes?" You say taking your head out of your hands to look at him.
"I'm sorry you had to speak up for me, I should've at least said something." He looked down at his hands.
"You have nothing to be sorry about" you said lifting his chin with your hand, "I should be the one apologizing for how he was speaking about you, everyone in my family has been like that for my entire life and I'm sick of it, people just assume that I'm just as awful as the rest of them."
"I know you're not like them."
"How do you know?"
"Well you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals or at least that's the way I judge people. And do you know the first time I ever saw you is when you were carrying around this dog trying to help it find it's owner."
"Mmhmm, and I remember thinking, 'wow I think I'm going to marry her one day' and you know maybe I will."
"Is this a marriage proposal Mr. Scamander?"
"Not yet, it's going to be much more romantic than this I promise."
"I'll hold you to it."
"I wouldn't expect anything less, but let's go home, it's getting late."
"Wait I can't." You said finally remembering what had just happened.
"Don't worry about it, you can move in with me."
"No Newt I can't ask that of you."
"Well than it's a good thing that I asked you." He said with a smile in his voice.
"I don't know what I'd do without you Newt Scamander." You said returning his smile.
"Well its a good things that you have me." He said before leaning in and kissing you.
A/N: OMG WE'RE ONLY ABOUT 100 OR SO AWAY FROM 100k!! I actually cannot believe how big this book has gotten, and I guess that I have you guys to thank for it! Let me know if you would like a part 2 to this part! And I hope you liked reading it!
-Lily <3

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