Playful Jealousy

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A/N: Still working on a request, hit kind of a mental block, so I decided "Hey! Why not?"  and started writing this, hope you like it!

You sat at your desk at work wondering how long until you finally got to go home and relax with the one you love (6 hours, 34 minutes, and 11 seconds to be exact), when a man from the department adjacent to yours came over to your desk and started talking to you like he had known you for years.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you, and can I say that you look lovely in that outfit." He just kept babbling

"Hey... You I'm fine how are you." You said awkwardly looking at your watch

"I am great, thanks for asking ." he replies, "So I was wondering if you would like to go out with me for dinner or maybe for tea?" he asked hopefully.

You awkwardly smiled and started playing with the hem of your shirt, "I'm sorry but, I'm in a relationship with someone at the moment and I couldn't love him more so.." you answered hoping that he would just get the message and leave.

"Oh, playing hard to get are we?" he smirked, "I'm not going to give up on you." he finished walking away.

6 hours, 29 minutes, and 43 seconds... it's going to be a long day.

                                                                  **Time Skip**

Your day had finally ended and you walked into your apartment to see your loving boyfriend, Newt, standing in the kitchen mixing the contents of a large bowl. 

"Hello, love." he says setting the bowl down on the counter and coming over to kiss you on the cheek while cleaning off his hands with a towel, "How was work today?" he asked

"Long, the usual, but something strange happened." you started

"What was it?" he asked returning to mixing the contents in the bowl

"Well, this man came up to me today and started chatting me up, then he asked me on a date." you said

Newt almost dropped the bowl at hearing this, "Was he cute?" Newt asked shyly

"Not as cute and adorable as someone I know." you replied with a smirk

"Who?" he questioned with his head looking down and his hair covering his eyes

"You, of course I can't think of anyone more handsome than you." you said reassuringly, you got up and put your arms around his waist and your head to his chest and he put his chin on the top of your head.

"Good, because I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." he said 

"I am not going anywhere." you replied

"Now about this guy do you think that I could take him." he said pulling away and trying to look tough which really just made him look more adorable.

"Definitely." you said with a smile as you took hiss hand and looked into his eyes.


"Do you smell something burning?" you asked

"My brownies!" 

A/N: Hope it wasn't too lame, and that you at least like it a little. Sorry it was a little short. Thank you for all of the reads, votes, and comments! You guys are the legitimate best ever! Thanks!


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