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A/N: Hey I hope you like this, it's a request, but I am working on them, Enjoy!

You sat on the edge of your bed, tears slipping slowly down your face, threatening to run your makeup all over your outfit. Your day hadn't been too terrible but the weight of the world and everything you had to do was just weighing on your shoulders harder than mast days, or you just we're noticing it more. You were overwhelmed with all you had to do and the matter of time you had to do it in, which was definitely not enough. Your chest ached as you cried and you couldn't help but look in the mirror that hung over your dresser, you were a wreck to say the least. Makeup running all over your red and puffy face. You were just about to grab a tissue to start cleaning the mascara from your cheeks when you heard the door crack open and you could move out of the way fast enough to avoid your husband seeing the mess that was your face at the moment. And at the first moment he saw you, he dropped everything he was carrying, even his beloved case, and rushed to your side.

The bed shifted beneath his weight and you hid your face in the tissues to spare him, "Y/n, Love, what's the matter" He said pulling you closer to him and into his chest.

"It's nothing." wiping off the rest of your tears and trying to smile

"It's not nothing if it has you in tears, did something happen at work today?"

"No, today was actually okay, but it's just..." You started


"It's just that my boss trusts me a lot which is amazing, but that means he piles all of his workload onto me to do on top of my work, and it usually doesn't bother me as much but it was just really overwhelming today, but now I feel better," you sniffed, "especially that you're here with me now." you added with a smirk in his direction.

"Well I am pretty great." he said at a attempt to make you laugh, which worked

"I agree." you replied snuggling closer to him, steadying your breathing to the steady beat of his heart.

"Well," he started, scratching gentle circles on your back, "how about, to make you feel better, we go out tonight maybe dinner at the little diner you like, the cinema, or if you really want we could stay in and entertain the new hatchlings." 

"Who's to say we can't do them all?" you asked with a smile

"You drive a hard bargain Mrs. Scamander"

"Is there any other way Mr. Scamander?" You replied with a peck on his nose, all thoughts of your day fading into the background noise.

"I'd guess not" he agreed, pecking your nose in the same fashion

 "Well, let's go then, I'd like to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight before work tomorrow mor-"

No," he cut you off, "we are not going to be thinking about work right now, just about you and I. And don't be in any rush, we have all night."

"You, sir, are insufferable."

"I'll take that as a compliment." he said with a smug smirk before kissing you slowly, leading you from the bed, and then as quickly as it began it was over, "Like I said, all night." He said pulling you by the hand to the door, making you realize how grateful you were to have married him.


A/N: He guys hope you liked it! Please vote, comment or follow me if you did! If you have any request or new book suggestions, please leave them, I've been thinking about writing a Throne of glass one for quite some time now... Have a lovely day!


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