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A/N: Hey Guys thanks for all of the support through comments, votes, or even just reads. This one is yet again a request, thank you ShallontheOutcast for the request! Please tell me if it was how you pictured it or not! So this is one where the reader gets bitten by a creature while she is in the case, she tries to hide it from Newt. Lets see how it goes. Hope you like it!

You sat inside the case looking up at the Thunderbird in wonder, even though you had seen it on many occasions it never ceased to amaze you with all of its wonder. Once it landed on the ground, it came over to you and brought its head to your outstretched hand.  Sadly, not all of the creatures were so friendly. While you were standing there you felt an immense amount of pain around your calf. You looked down to see a pinkish, mutated looking rat that could only be a murtlap. You flailed your leg and let out a cry of pain. You Raised the pant leg of your jeans and looked at the bite mark, it looked pretty bad. At you noise you had made, Newt came running out of the little cabin and out to where you were. You dropped the fabric to cover the mark so that he couldn't see.

"Y/N! Love, are you alright?" he asked worriedly

"Oh! Yes of course. Why do you asked?" you say nonchalantly as if nothing had happened

"Oh," he said looking relieved, "I thought I had heard you scream." 

"Oh yes I did." you said internally kicking yourself for telling him that

"Why then?"

"Umm, I was up on that rock and I kinda sorta fell." you said obviously lying, hoping he would buy it.

"Well you have always been clumsy," he said with a smile, "now come on dinner is ready."

                                                                      **Time skip**

You wake up to searing pain coming from your leg. You shot straight up before you remembered that Newt was sleeping right next to you. He woke up immediately a sat up next to you.

With a groggily adorable face he asked, "Darling, are you alright?"

"Oh, yes." you said, "sorry for waking you, I just had a nightmare." 

"Oh, well then. Don't worry I'm right here to protect you." he said with a small smile before he kissed your forehead, laid down, pulled you down with him, and wrapped his arms around you. Your leg continued to pulse with pain, but you just laid there in his arms trying to focus on him and forget everything else.

                                                                      **Time Skip**

The next few days the bite on your leg has just been getting worse and worse, you thought of telling Newt now but you didn't want to worry him. 

You sat in your bedroom getting ready to go tend to the creatures when you were pulling up your jeans, then the fabric scratched over the bite mark sending pulses of pain shooting through your leg, you started to feel dizzy and the last thing you saw was the door open before you hit the floor.

                                                                   **Time Skip** 

You woke up back in your bed, with all of your pain gone. You opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend at the end of the bed looking worried. You tried to sit up but when you did he stood up, moved over to you, and gently laid you back down.

"It looks like you suffered a murtlap bite to the leg, why didn't you tell me?" he asked

"I didn't think it was all that serious and I didn't want you too worry about me." you replied sheepishly

"I love you, I'll always worry about you. Y/N you could have died! What would I have done then! I just ca-" 

"I'm not going anywhere! Your stuck with me for the long hall." you interrupted

"I wouldn't have it any other way, and Y/N?"


"Please don't ever do anything like that again, please? For my sanity?" he asked

"Anything for you." you replied, he bent down and placed a warm kiss on your forehead while you drifted back into sleep so that you could heal.

A/N: Sorry about all of the Time Skips, but anyways I hoped you liked it. If you did please Vote and Comment! I love to read what you guys have to say! It just makes me so happy when I get notifications for comments! 

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