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A/N: This is a request from a reader named @gublergreyaye. Thanks for the request! This is about a reader who has an anxiety attack and Newt calms them down. Hope you like it! If you do vote and comment!

You were walking down the stairs of your apartment complex hand in hand with your boyfriend, Newt, when you saw out the door that there were a bunch of people walking around and enjoying the sunny day. Crowds weren't your strong suit, you much more liked sitting in your house reading in the arms of your love but today you were going to try something new, so you took a deep breath and push the door open. From the first moment you walked out you started to feel your heart race and your stomach start to hurt, but you decided to ignore it and push on. You headed towards the ice cream shop where you were planning to go when you started to feel as though you were going to pass out. You were now visibly shaking and Newt had started to take notice that something was not right.

"Y/N? Darling, what is wrong?" he said turning you so you could looking him in the eye

You could barely here him though, you had a cold sweat along your body and you felt like you were either dying or going crazy. You let go of his hand and made a beeline straight to the park right across the street you found people everywhere you looked.

"Miss? Are you alright?" Asked a woman cradling a baby

You ran the other direction right into a large man, "Hey! Watch where you're going!" he said angrily

There was nowhere to go, so you ran straight to the bushes. Your fears increased and you put your arms around your legs and put your head down. You felt a soft touch on your back and reluctantly looked up to see Newt their with kind eyes. He sat down yo the ground next to you, picked you up, placed you on his lap facing towards him in a tight hug, and started softly stroking your back.

"You're okay, Love. You're safe here with me." he whispered into your ear quietly

Your heart slowly started to beat normally and your stomach pain left shortly after, you started breathing regularly and your panic attack seemed to end. Once it was over you pulled away from your hug and looked into his beautiful eyes before you laid a warm kiss on his soft lips for a moment that seemed to last years.

You both pulled away and smiled shyly, "Thank you." you said

"You're very welcome, my dear, I would do anything for you."

"Newt Scamander, I'm sure that you are the most perfect human being in the world and I love you," You said meaning every word

"No darling I feel that would be you and I love you more." he replied smugly

A/N: Okay how was it? Hope you thought it was good! Vote and comment if you liked it! Please keep requesting and I am working on the requests currently.

Newt Scamander x Reader Preferences and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now