You're Sick

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A/N: Hope you like it!

When you get sick, you really get sick. Full out tissues everywhere, bowls of unfinished soup, and tea cup piling in every corner. This meant that you would take time off of work which wasn't good but it was very necessary.

Currently you were sitting on the couch reading and feeling miserable while the half full cup of tea was slowly becoming cold when you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." You said tiredly, when you looked up from your book to see you boyfriend standing in the doorway looking worried.

"Y/N! What's wrong? I was going to visit you at your office but when I got to your desk you weren't there so I asked your boss and she said that you hadn't shown up for work today or yesterday so I got worried and raced here to make sure you were okay." he said as he walked closer to you, before sitting down on your couch.

"Yeah I'm just a little sick." you replied through your stuffy nose giving you a slight accent.

"I think that's a little bit of an understatement, Y/N." he said as he moved closer to you on the couch and put the back of his hand on your forehead to take your temperature, "Yep you are burning up, you have a stuffy nose." he stated

"It's nothing I'm fine." you said feeling very drowsy

"No, it's not and I'm going to stay here with you until you get better!" he said getting up and started to clear your mess on the table.

"Newt, you don't have to do that, I can get it." you said starting to stand up

"I know you are perfectly capable of doing this but I love you, so I'll do it." he said gently pushing you back down to the couch, then he placed a kiss on your forehead and went back to work on the mess.

"You're the best." you said getting comfortable on the couch again. Once he had finished he returned to the couch and re-positioned you so that you were basically laying on top of him and your head was laying on his chest.

He picked up the book you were reading and began to read the page you left of drifting you off to sleep to the sound of his voice and his heartbeat. When you woke up you found that Newt had laid the book down on the table next to you and fell asleep with his arms wrapped around your chest. When you realized this you drifted into a comfortable sleep knowing you were safe in the arms of the love of your life.

A/N: This wasn't as good as the first ones but I still hope you like it, if you did please comment requests and sorry I don't do imagines with specific names in them, I like to keep the imagines general and for everyone to enjoy!

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