Lost in NYC

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A/N: Sorry I haven't written in a while but, I've just had a lot on my plate, with Exams and Swim team but hey, I'm here now and I'm hopefully going to be writing more often from now on. So this is my first request that I'm really excited for! Thank you to @Kog20011 for the idea! Hope you like it!

When Newt told you that he was traveling to America for a week of two, you had begged him to let you come with him for at least a week and a half before he finally let you go on one condition, you had to stay in the case which you reluctantly agreed to considering how you got a little claustrophobic in spaces like that, but you remembered that you could just stay and care for the animals. 

                                                                                 **Time Skip**

You had packed your bags and loaded all you needed into the case since you didn't know how long it would take before you left Newt joined you in the case before he left for the harbor.

" 'Jeez Y/N do you think you have enough stuff packed for the trip." he asked sarcastically

"Hey! I don't know what I'm going to need so I packed for every situation." you retorted

"Well, we should be off soon!" he said kissing your cheek and then making his way out of the case, "Love you!" he said

"Love you too." you replied

                                                                                **Time Skip**

You were "outside" with the Bowtruckles (your favorite creature) when you heard a loud crash and then saw multiple creatures running towards the small house, you ran after them because you knew exactly what they were going to do. But sadly, it was too late, by the time you had reached the inside of the house some of the creatures escaped. You decided to do what anyone in that situation would do, you ran after them. All you could think about was what could happen to them, pr what would happen to you when Newt found out. You came out of the case to find that it had been opened in a small apartment, with a huge gaping hole in the wall which you knew probably hadn't been there before. You apparated down onto the street below where many people were standing in awe of what they had just saw. (Hey that rhymed!) You followed a path of rubble to what looked like a bunch of buildings, but they all looked like a bunch of buildings!

You kept walking forward until you heard a crash to your left in what looked like a jewelry store. You saw that it had been completely destroyed by what looked like a tornado. You knew exactly what was going on. SO you dropped a small, shiny, galleon on the ground and walked away. The second you heard rustling you spun around and sprang upon the Niffler who was about to put it in its little pouch.

"Boy am I glad to see you, your the first familiar thing I've seen in a while." you remarked mostly to yourself. You pet the struggling Niffler in your hand softly. "I just don't know where I am and I miss Newt." you said, again mostly to yourself.

Your eyes filled up with tears as you thought about how you might never see him again. See him laugh and smile, kiss his soft, warm lips, hear him say I love you. You had to stop thinking about this! So you got up, turned around and walked back the way you came from. 

You keep walking but none of it looks familiar, it all looks the same as where you just were, all the same strange faces looking at you strangely, this is nothing like the London that you know and love. You hope starts to shrink and your fear grows of being stuck here forever until you hear a familiar voice calling your name.

"Y/N! Where have you been I've been worried sick, I didn't know what to do or what happened to y-" be started but before he could finish you jumped into his arms and started crying. 

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened one minute I'm out with animals like normal the next I'm running after them all, then after that I'm terrified that I'd be stuck without you or anything familiar." you sobbed into his shoulder holding on for dear life.

"It's fine Y/N, really! It's not your fault. And sorry to tell you this but I'm not going anywhere, your stuck with me." you pulling back yo he could look at you. 

"I'm so sorry, I love you." you said 

"I love you too and please stop saying your sorry." he said before kissing you like he was never letting you go, and you weren't letting go either.

A/N: Hoped you liked it! Leave comments if you have any requests or if you just want to leave a nice comment!

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