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A/N: Happy Halloween! In honor of the amazing holiday, I decided to write this, from when you were dating and when you're married! I hope you like both! If you do like them please vote and comment!

You dumped a big bag of candy into a orange bowl and turned to through the bag away, when you turned back to the bowl you saw a hand reach out towards it very slowly, as if you wouldn't see it. Before it even reaches the bowl you smacked it away.
"Hey! What was that for!" He exclaimed, pulling his hand back and examining it for marks.
"This candy is for the trick-or-treaters in a little while, if there is any left over you can have some." You said lifting the bowl away to place it on the table right next to the door.
"Just one piece?" He asked
"Fine! I'll just have to get a different kind of candy." He said, pushing you against the door and kissing you passionately for a few moments. Before grabbing a few candies and running back into the bedroom and slamming the door.
"I'll get you for that one Scamander!" You yelled to the bedroom door, blushing. You could hear the laughs coming from the other side of it.

Your daughter straightened her shirt in the mirror, she was a great scarecrow in her costume. Only 7 years old but ready to take the neighborhood by storm to get all of the candy she could.
Walking out the door bundled in all of the layers you could manage, as it was going to be a long evening, you held your husband's hand tighter as you stepped into the freezing cold air.
"Mom! I'm gonna go run up to this house!" Your daughter yelled to you with excitements fall of the candy she would eventually consume that night.
"Okay, Honey just make sure we can see you and it'll be all right." You replied, you voice a bit muffled from the scarf covering it.
"This is going to be so much fun." You said squeezing Newt's hand, "I might actually freeze to death."
"Not to death, you might just get mild hypothermia." He replied with a smirk at your dramatic-ness
"I don't know, it's pretty cold." You said shivering a tad for effect
"Here," He said pulling you into an embrace, "I'll keep you warm."
"Hey Mom! Eliza just asked me if I wanted to stay the night at her house after trick-or-treating! Can I go?" Your daughter ran up and asked you with a sense of a happy-anxiousness in her eyes.
"Yeah, that's okay with me as long as it's okay with Eliza's parents." You said
She ran off to join her best friend and you mouthed a silent thank you to the parents and pulled Newt with you back up the sidewalk and up the drive, back into your house, which was much warmer than the outside.
"Now that we have the night to ourselves what would you like to do?" He asked taking of his coat and hanging it on the rack.
"Oooh they usually have some horror movies on during Halloween." You replied doing the same.
"Alright, but you'll have to protect me from the monsters later okay?" He said
"I'll always protect you from the monsters, love." You replied placing your hands on both side of his face.
"Okay then." He said taking your hands and pulling you into the living room and onto the couch.
You grabbed the blanket sitting next to you and wrapped both of you together in it.
He turned on the movie which luckily had just started. And all throughout you both jumped at the scary parts, holding onto each other for dear life, knowing you would protect each other until both falling asleep, forgetting about all else.

A/N: Happy Halloween!! Hope you liked this!

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