Wednesday, 30th November 2016 - Planning a Back-Up

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Wednesday, 30th November 2016 - Planning a Back-Up

Dear Diary

I awoke to the sounds of Biscuit yapping. It was still so cute how he woke me up at almost the same day everyday, running in circles over my blue carpet. Somehow he knew when I had to wake up, and he always had it right. Dogs were quite good in that way, none more than Biscuit.

Now that most of the assessments were over, Prey and Intruder were talking to me more than ever before. Prey, who had seemed reluctant to talk to me previously was really starting to actually enjoy our conversations. However, it wasn't quite what I wanted. The aim of my conversations with them was to try and end their relationship, instead I was becoming a friend to the two of them. Obviously none of them knew, but still. It wasn't working as it was supposed to. I thought about trying with a new profile, but I didn't really see a point to it. None of the first ones I had used were working, why would any others?

I eventually decided that if I truly wanted to help end their relationship, I was going to need to actually do more. I started to think of ways that I could achieve that.

Dear Diary, Book 2, Bitter Sweet...Where stories live. Discover now