The Thing You Love Most [EDITED]

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3rd POV:

Regina was sitting in a chair looking through the storybook that she stole from Henry. She stopped on the page where it showed the Evil Queen in her black dress with a sword flying through the air. She looked at the page with a blank face then turned it. When she got to the next page, she noticed some of the pages were missing. She flipped through what was left of the pages then closed the book, walking to her son's room, and opening the door. When she walked inside, she saw her son standing in front of the mirror fixing his collar. She came up behind him, holding up the book for him to see.

"The missing pages – Where are they?" She asked while looking down at Henry.

Henry turned around with a sigh, "It's an old book. Stuff's missing. Why do you care?" Henry looked up at Regina and shrugged, walking away from the woman.

"I care because you think I'm some evil queen. And that hurts me, Henry. I'm your mother." The Evil Queen grabbed Henry's arm and turned him around to look at her. She put her hand under his chin, making him look at her.

"No, you're not," Henry said, grabbing a book and walking towards his bed.

"Well, then who is? That woman you brought here?" Henry looked up at her.  "I don't like what she and this book are doing to you and Aria. Thankfully, both are no longer an issue." Henry stared at her for a second then looked away from her to finish what he was doing. "What?" she questioned him with narrowed eyes. Then, something weird happened... The clock tower bell chimed. Regina looked out of the window at it in shock. Henry used that distraction to leave and go to Granny's Diner to meet up with Aria.


1st POV:

Henry and I met up at Granny's before school. We came here to get something to eat, but also to see Emma. Henry assumed that she would be coming in here this morning and we wanted to talk with her about the curse. She still wasn't educated about It enough yet so she needed to learn more. That way she could be ready for anything that ends up happening. Something bad is going to happen eventually, I could feel it.

Just then Emma walked into the diner and sat down at the counter. Ruby came over to check on us at this moment, "Do you guys need anything?" She smiled at the two of us.

I smiled back at her, "Hey, Ruby. Could you give her," I point to Emma who was now reading a newspaper. I just then noticed the shiny red apple in her hand, "A hot chocolate with cinnamon, please?"

Ruby nodded, writing it in her notepad, "Yeah." I gave her the money that I had leftover. Henry and I watched as she went back behind the counter to make the cup of hot chocolate. Ruby set the hot drink in front of Emma. The blonde was about the eat her apple, but stopped to look at the drink, "Here you go."

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