Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

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Henry and I are riding our bikes to our castle, when a door to a squad car opened and Emma came out of the car.

"Hey, kids." Emma said to us. We drove past her and on to our castle in a hurry, I was a little ahead though. "Nice to see you, too." She finally caught up to us as we stopped our bikes and looked at the, noticeably, damaged castle.

"The storm!" Henry said, loudly. We both ran to the castle.

"It's okay – we can fix it. I'll talk to Marco." Emma said, dismissively.

Henry turned to me, "Do you think it's still here?"

"I don't know. Might be." I said, while digging near the base of the castle.

"What are you looking for?" Emma asked us as Henry helped me dig too.

"Our book." Henry replied.

"Why'd you bury it here?" Emma asked us.

"So his mom wouldn't find it." I answered.

"Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough? You could've had Aria hide it at the apartment. " Emma said/ asked. I uncovered a red metal box and unlocked it.

Henry stopped for a minute then continued to help me, "Those are the first places the Evil Queen would look."

"How about leaving it with me?" Emma asked.

"That's the second place." I replied. We open the box to reveal the book.

"It's still here. Good." Henry said. I sighed in relief.

"So, your mom doesn't know about the castle?" Emma asked.

"No. This is our secret." Henry said, turning around to look at Emma. Emma smiled. I closed the box and relocked it, then we started to bury it again.

Then, we heard Regina calling out, "Henry! Henry!" We cover the last bit of the box, then stand up, "I've been looking everywhere for you and Aria. You know you two have a session with Archie this morning. I should've known they was with you. Henry, Aria – car. Now." Well, she is usually is the one who take me and Henry to our sessions, so I really got no say in this. Then, Henry and I run off.


We watch as the construction workers tear down our castle piece by piece. First, it was one of the little peaked roofs that took a whole tower with it. I turned around to see Emma rushing towards us.

"Hey, what happened? I came as soon as I could." Emma asked, looking around at all the destruction.

"The castle! She's tearing the whole thing down!" We ran over to where our book would be. IT! WAS! GONE! BOX AND ALL! I LOVED THAT BOOK... AND THE BOX! I mean, the book is one mistake, but they had to go and take the box too! That is despicable! "Our book! It-it's gone."

–[The Apartment]–

I walk down stairs with my book called: The Blood of Olympus, to get some Kit Kats. When I walk down there, I see Emma looking through files with... Sidney Glass. What is he doing here and why is he here?

"Okay. One) What's Sidney doing here? and Two) What are you two doing?" I asked, closing my book.

"He's here because we are trying to get dirt on Regina." Emma said, simply.

"Ooh. I wanna help." I said.

"Okay. Start on this file." Emma said, handing one to me, "When did that transfer go through? Does three weeks ago sound right?"

"Yeah. Why?" Sidney asked.

"Because those records are missing." Emma said, showing the file to him. He took the file out of her hands, just as Mary walked through the door.

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now