That Still Small Voice

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{Archie's Office}

Aria's POV:
Henry and I are in Archie's office having our session, and let me tell you it is really boring. We're sitting on the couch and Archie is writing down something on a paper. Henry and I look at him while he is doing so, I try to look over at the paper to see what he is writing, but before I could get a glance at it Henry speaks up.

"You weren't always a cricket." Archie looks over at both of us.

"I weren't always- Oh, right. Because, um... Because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket. Why... Why do you... Why do you think that, Henry? Aria?" Archie asked, putting down the paper and picking up his cup.

"It's just because of who you are." Henry answers.

"And what am I?" Archie asks.

"You're a conscience. You help people see right from wrong." I replied.

"So, all the crickets in Storybrooke – they were once people, too?" Archie questioned. Why would all the crickets be people? That wouldn't make sense. Just because we're saying he was once a person doesn't mean all the crickets were once people. Also, there isn't any crickets here, how did he not notice this?

"There aren't any crickets here. Listen." Henry said, walking over to the window.

"Maybe it isn't light enough." Archie dismissed.

I shake my head, then I said,"There's never been crickets in Storybrooke. You just never noticed."

"So, you two think that's proof that there's a curse?" Archie asked.

"Yes, but we know it's not enough." Henry said.

"We're looking for more." I said after him.

"So, Henry, Aria, look. I asked you two this once before and you guys said you'd think about it. Why do you think it's so important that this is real?" Archie asked. I never really thought about it, I just know it's important, it has to be. I waited till Henry answered since I didn't have one.

Henry made a face,"It... It just is." Archie looked over at me to listen to what I had to say, I was really hoping he wouldn't look over here.

I nodded over to Henry then said,"Same answer as him."

"Alright. Well, keep thinking about that answer, Henry, Aria. Cause I think there's something buried there." Archie said.

{Old Mine}
While we were still in our session, we felt the floor beneath us shake. We got in Archie's car and we went to the place where we saw people at. When we got there we saw Regina standing in front of the crowd talking. Then, we heard her say pave it, that's when me and Henry emerged from the crowd and looked at her.

"Pave it? What if there's something down there?" Henry said.

Regina reached out and grabbed Henry's arm,"Henry. What are you doing here?" She asked.

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