The Queen is Dead

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We were walking in the busy streets of New York. Neal, Henry, and I were in front while Emma and Mr. Gold hung back a little. While walking I would occasionally look around the city, watching people walking and running around. Some people were on their phones which was pretty dangerous if I say so myself. Okay! I am getting off topic!

We were walking across the street when Neal spoke up, "So, uh... You guys like pizza?"

"Yeah. Let me guess – you're going to tell me the best pizza's in New York, and I got to try it, right?" Henry asked.

"Actually, it's in the Kingdom of Damarian on the north shore of the Dragon Fields of Zorn." Henry and I gave him weird looks. "Nah, it's in New York. Here, let's get you two a slice." We came across a pizza shop and when we about to walk in, Henry stopped. 

"So, you're really from there? Like Aria is?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, I am." Neal replied as we walked inside leaving Emma and Mr. Gold outside.


We stepped out of the shop with our pizza to see Emma and Mr. Gold in an intense conversation. We came over to step beside them.

"What are we talking about?" Neal asked, taking a bite of his pizza. Let me tell you, he wasn't wrong about the pizza here.

"Emma," Oh. He's being formal. He really is mad at her. Of course he would be, she did lie to him, "Neal wanted to show me the museum. Do you think we can go back to the apartment and get my camera?" Henry asked.

Emma looked over to Neal, who stumbled over his words, "Yeah, well, I... Kids like culture, right?"

"Sure. Yeah, that's fine." Emma looked over to us and asked, "You like the New York pizza?"

I nodded while Henry's response was, "Yeah. It's delicious, cheesy, and doesn't lie."


On our way to Neal's apartment, Mr. Gold, Henry, and I were in the front while the other two were in the back. Mr. Gold had a bitter look on his face as he walked which immediately caught my attention.

"So, should I call you grandpa, now?" Henry asked the older man.

"Call me whatever you'd like." Mr. Gold replied in a bitter tone. It caused Henry to hang back a little. I did the same and grabbed his hand, then he looked over to smile at me. I returned the smile then turned my attention in front of me. We looked back to Neal and Emma to see they were having a conversation, but that didn't stop Henry from going over and asking a question.

"So, Neal, do you think we can take the subway?" Henry asked. The subway, huh. I wonder what that's like. I read about them, but I had never seen one before.

"Yeah. Sure, of course. Let's go get that camera." Was Neal's answer. Henry rushed to the door to the lobby, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him as he passed.

"Come on." Henry said, impatiently.

"And I thought I was the impatient one." I smiled a little at the joke. Henry rolled his eyes playfully.

"Here. I got it." Neal unlocked the door and the three of us went up to his apartment. While we were getting Henry's camera, we could hear loud noises from downstairs.  Neal told us to stay here while he checked it out and then he left. Awhile later, Neal entered the apartment with an injured Mr. Gold and Emma entered the apartment behind them.

"Found a storage room and locked our stab-happy pirate in there. Shouldn't be causing anyone else any problems. And get this – he had a map on him. It looks like he sailed his ship here." Emma said, walking over t us.

"How'd he get a pirate ship into New York?" Neal asked.

"It's cloaked." Emma bent down in front of us, hands on our shoulders while she said, "Don't worry. He's not going to hurt any of us."

"But is Mr. Gold going to be okay?" Henry asked, worriedly.

"Henry, he's going to be fine." Neal said, reassuringly.

Henry walked over in front of Mr. Gold with the man's cane in his hands while asking him, "Mr. Gold, are you alright?"

Mr. Gold suddenly grabbed Henry by his collar causing my eyes to grow big, "You stay away from me. You caused this. You brought us back here. You did this." Mr. Gold released his hold on Henry and I reached out, quickly, to hold Henry's hand.

Emma came over to us with her phone in hand, "Hey, kids. The battery's dead. Go in the other room and see if you can find a charger, okay?"

"Okay." Henry replied. I dragged him behind me as we went to go find a charger. When we found one and put it on charge, a few minutes later, there was a message from David and Mary Margret. We walked into the living room with the phone in hand.

"You really need to this Emma." I said, holding the phone out to her.

"What is it, Aria?" She asked me, taking the phone.

"It's a text from David and Mary Margaret. You need to read it – now." Henry said, urgently making me nod in agreement.

Emma read the text then spoke, "Bad news, Gold."

"What, worse than incurable poison?" Mr. Gold asked, holding the cloth to his wound.

"I don't know. You tell me. You got a dagger hidden somewhere in Storybrooke that's the source of all your power?" Emma asked, interrogatingly.

"Get to your point." Mr. Gold rushed her.

"Cora's after it. The only way to stop her, is have David and Mary Margaret get to it first." Emma explained.

"Yeah, let Cora try." Mr. Gold grimaced in pain.

"You can't seriously be willing to risk this. Not with your son coming back with you to Storybrooke." Emma said.

"Miss Swan, that dagger has not left my possession for centuries. It's not about to now." Mr. Gold said, simply.

Emma got up from her chair in front of the wounded man and sat down on the couch beside him, "Here's the thing. You're dying. And right now, we are your best hope. Time's come for you to start trusting someone. And, if I were you, I'd start with family."



Hey guys, Snow here! Sorry that I haven't been updating as much as usual. School recently started back, so I have been focused on that along with the other stories that I share on this account. If you guys are interested in Doctor Who, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Sherlock, and Supernatural, we have books for those on here. Please go and check them out. I have a question to ask all of you, should I redo the cover? I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote, commet, etc. It would be greatly apprectiated. Bye!!~

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