The Return

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August, Henry, and I were lurking around a street corner near Mr. Gold's shop. August looked around the corner, "It's almost nine. You all set? You know what to do?"

"Yep. Distract. So, do what I usually do." I responded with a smirk.

"Operation Cobra-" Jaguar, "is always ready. I just..." Henry hesitated.

"You just what?" August asked, turning around to face Henry.

"I don't understand what this has to do with getting Emma to believe." Henry replied. He is right, how is distracting Mr. Gold getting Emma to believe?

"Sometimes, other priorities assert themselves. Can you two handle a little improvisation?" August asked us.

"Of course I can." I told him.

"Yeah. Can you?" Henry asked him.

August smirked, "We're a go." Then, Henry and I ran across the street and entered the shop.

"Hey, Mr. Gold." Henry greeted.

"Good morning, Henry, Aria. What can I do for you?" Mr. Gold asked us.

"We wanted to get a gift for Mary-Margret, since she was proved innocent." I lied.

"Oh, I see. Good thinking." Mr. Gold smiled.

"Are these bells? Cool." Henry complemented.

"See anything you fancy?" Mr. Gold asked us. Henry and I kept on talking about the bells with Mr. Gold to distract him, but he ended up going to the back anyway. So, the plan was a fail.


At the apartment, Henry, me, and August were sitting down at a table watching Mr. Gold.

"How bad was it?" Henry asked.

"Getting caught in his office? Not bad. I played it off." August responded.

"What exactly were you looking for? Did you find it?" I asked him, curiously.

"Nope. But I have a feeling it's going to find me." August said, leaning toward us. August nodded his head in Mary-Margret's direction, "There she is. Why don't you give her your present?"

"Hey. We have something for you." Henry said, handing her the present and the giant card. The card was my idea.

"Well, thank you." Mary-Margret started to read the card, "We're so glad you didn't kill Misses Nolan..." Everybody started to laugh.

"It's from the whole class, and we got you a bell." I told her.

"Thank you. Tell everyone I'll be back soon." Mary-Margret said.

"Okay." Henry said.

"Hey, Henry, we should get you home before your mom finds out. That won't be pretty." Emma and Henry head to the door and opened it only to find David on the other side of it. Emma turned around to look at Mary Margaret, whose face clearly showed disapproval.

"Hey, Henry. Leaving already?" David asked.

"Yeah. Got to get home and do homework." Henry said to him.

"She's kind of tired. I think if you just give it some time..." Emma said.

"I just wanted to-" David was cut off.

"Hey, Henry. Why don't you head home with David?" Emma suggested.

"Okay." Henry said.

"Sorry." Emma apologized.

"Okay." David and Henry then left.

I yawned then turned to Emma, "I think I'm gonna got to sleep."

"Okay, Night." She told me. I went upstairs and fell onto my bed not bothering to change my clothes and I fell asleep. 


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