The Price of Gold [EDITED]

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Emma and I had to meet Henry a little bit away from his house. Regina would be furious if she saw Henry hanging out with Emma so we've been trying to keep the interactions a secret. It's been working so far, but we still had our worries sometimes. The sound of the bell from the clock tower broke me out of my thoughts. Emma was currently walking me and Henry to the bus stop. The sun was shining down and right into my eyes which made me have to squint. I don't see why the sun was shining so brightly, like... What does it have to prove?

Henry was looking around with a worried look on his face, "Are you sure we can be out in the open?" I had to agree with him. If we were going to keep their interactions a secret, shouldn't we be taking less populated roads? Why did it sound like we're trying to make a drug deal?

Emma shook her head, "Enough sneaking around. If your mom has a problem with me walking you and Aria to a school bus, I am more than happy to have that chat." Emma's statement was completely blunt. She was blunt with a lot of things which I didn't mind. It's nice to have someone who will tell you something straight out.

I smiled up at her, "You're brave. I like that. We'll need that for Operation Jaguar-"

"Cobra." Henry cut me off.

I started walking backward so I could get a better look at him. We stared at each other, basically having a staring contest. We were waiting for the other person to blink or look away... It was sadly me who lost and I sighed, crossing my arms with a huff, "Fine."

"Speaking of, do you think we need codenames?" Henry asked. That made me think. It would be a smart decision to have codenames. What would my codename be? It shouldn't be the Cheshire Cat or Chess because that would be too obvious.

Emma didn't seem to get what he was saying, "Isn't 'Cobra' our codename?"

I gave her a look when she said this. She really was new to all of this stuff. I shook my head and explained, "No, that's the mission. He was talking about us. We need something to call each other as to not raise suspicion-" I quickly cut myself off as I about fell from not paying attention while walking backward. I caught myself though so I just started walking normally so I wouldn't fall and hurt myself.

Emma thought for a moment, "Oh. Um..," She trailed off. "Well, I don't- You can just call me 'Emma' for now." She stuttered a lot when saying this. She must not have any ideas either. Well, at least I'm not the only one who's unsure of what to call ourselves.

"Okay, well," Henry started. We stopped as we approached the bus that was waiting for us and the other kids. "Then we'll see you later, Emma."

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now