A Land Without Magic

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3rd POV:

At the hospital, Aria is being wheeled in on a gurney and Henry and Emma haven't left her side. Then, Dr. Whale and a few nurses rush over.  

"Aria, can you hear me? Come on, Aria. Wake up, please. Come on, Aria. Come on. You can do it." Emma said, urgently.

"Aria, please wake up." Henry begged.

"Ma'am, let me take you and-" The nurse said, trying to take them out of the room, but Emma brushed her off.

"No, we am not going anywhere!" Emma said to her, before looking back at the unconscious girl.

Dr. Whale shined the light in Aria's eyes, "There's no pupil response. What happened? Did she fall? Hit her head?"

"She ate this. I think it's poisoned." Emma held up a baggie containing the turnover.

He shined the into her mouth, "Her airway's clear. Did she vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?" The nurse put an oxygen mask (?) over the young girls mouth.

"She took a bite of this, and then she just collapsed. So, run the test for arsenic, or bleach, or Drano, or whatever could've done this to her!" Emma said, harshly.

"The girl is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit." Dr. Whale said, taking the turnover out of her hand.

"But that's the only thing it could be! It's magic as we told you." Henry said, turning to look at Emma.

She glanced down at him, then back up to Dr. Whale, "Well, what else could it be?"

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out." Dr. Whale said to her.

"She's going to be okay, though, right?" Henry asked. Dr. Whale didn't say anything.

Emma spoke this time, "Right?"

Dr. Whale finally said something after a few moments of silence, "Right now, we just need to stabilize her, cause she's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?"

"I already told you everything. Do something!" Emma said, walking over dumping out all the stuff in Henry's backpack onto a hospital bed.

"Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Swan, I do. But I need something to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..." Dr. Whale paused.

Emma looked at the book along with Henry, "Like magic." Emma picked up the book and her mind started to be filled with memories from the Fairy Tale World, particularly the time when she was sent to the Real World as a baby. When she comes to, Regina frantically rushed into the room and she heard Henry saying her name.

"Where's my son and Aria?" Regina asked, rushing over to where Aria laid and Henry was standing beside of Aria's bed.

"You did this." Emma said, lowly as she dragged Regina out of the room.

Henry looked down at his unconscious best friend, "Come on, Aria. You have to wake up. This was supposed to happen to me, not you."


Henry was sitting beside his best friends bed, asleep. It seemed like all of this had really tired him out. Emma, who was holding the book, started speaking to the unconscious Aria.

"Aria... You were right about the curse. I should have believed you. I'm sorry." Emma said, sadly. Emma placed the book under Aria's pillow, "For when you wake up."


Henry, who was now awake, had the book in his lap and he was reading a part of it to the comatose girl, hoping she would wake up, "And, yes, she was beyond hope. Beyond saving. This was her end. When Prince Charming saw his beloved Snow White in her glass coffin, he knew all that was left was to say goodbye. He had to give her one last kiss. And when he did, true love proved more powerful than any curse. A pulse of pure love shuddered out and engulfed the land, waking up Snow White and bringing light to the darkness."

Suddenly, the machines monitoring Aria started to go off. Henry sat up, "What is it? Dr. Whale?" Dr. Whale and several nurses rush into the room.

"Dr. Whale, what is that? What... What... what's wrong her?" Henry asked him.

"Nurse, get him out of here now!" Dr. Whale demanded.

"What is it? What is it?" Henry kept on asking, but he was lead out.

"Her heart rate's falling. Come on, Aria." Dr. Whale said as the started to resuscitate the young girl.


Regina and Emma finally arrived at the hospital and rushed to Aria's room. They arrive in time to see Dr. Whale and Mother Superior leaving the room while Henry stood there in the room, refusing to leave.

"We did everything we could." Dr. Whale told them.

"I'm sorry. You're too late." Mother Superior said. Emma walked into the room, Henry turned his head toward her and ran to hug her. Emma hugged back, but kept looking at the nurse as she unhooked Aria from the machines.


Emma, Henry, Regina, Dr. Whale and Mother superior were all gathered in Aria's room.

Regina started to cry and turned around to cry in Dr. Whale's chest, "No... No..." Henry was crying too, he just lost his best friend, so why wouldn't he be?

Emma walked over to where Aria laid, "I love you, Aria." Emma kissed Aria on the forehead, which causes the spell she was under to be broken. A pulse of magic spreaded throughout Storybrooke. Aria woke up, gasping.

"I love you, too. You saved me." Aria said, looking at Emma

"You did it." Regina said.

Henry walked closer to the bed, "Aria, you're alive."

Aria sat up, "You can't get rid of me that easily. Also, I got my memories back too." Then, they both just sit there for a few moments staring at each other and then they hugged one another. Soon, a crowd begins to gather in Aria's room.

"Aria, Henry... What's going on?" Emma asked the two kids.

"No..." Regina said.

"The curse. I think you broke it." Henry responded.

"That was true love's kiss." Mother Superior stated.

"No, no..." Regina said in panic.

"If I were you, Your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide." Mother Superior said, looking at her.

"Henry... No matter what you think, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you." Regina then ran out of the room.

"Aria, Henry,... What's going on here? If the curse is broken, why didn't they go back?" Emma asked us.

"I... I don't know." Henry responded. A nurse suddenly dropped the tray she was holding after she looked out the window.

Emma walked over to the nurse, "Are you okay?"Then, Emma looked outside and also became entranced by something outside. I get up out of the bed and me and Henry walked over to the nurse too. We suddenly see purple smoke take over Storybrooke.

"What is that?" Emma asked.

"Something very very bad." I replied.


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