Desperate Souls

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Aria's POV:

Henry and I are sitting in our castle looking out, when I see a flash of  red coming towards us. Already knowing who it is I don't turn around and I just keeping looking at nothing. We heard the sound of footsteps behind us but, we do not turn around.

Emma holds out two walkie talkies to  us,"Brought you something. Thought we could use them together for Operation Cobra" 

 Me and Henry take them and look down at them. Emma sits between us and looks at our  reaction,"Thanks." Henry said, in a sad voice.

"Oh, come on! What's up? You've been ducking me for weeks." Emma bumped shoulders with Henry.

   "He thinks we should stop Cobra stuff for a while. His exact words are,'You don't play with the curse. Look what happened to Graham.'" I said, sadly. I did like Graham in a family way, I never thought he would die and leave us. But, I guess life is just full of disappointments.

"Henry, I told you they did an autopsy. It was totally natural causes." Emma said, putting her arms around our slumped shoulders. Yeah, 'natural causes'

"Okay, whatever. You don't believe – good. That should keep you from messing with it. And getting killed." Henry looked up at Emma. This is really breaking my heart seeing Henry like this, he's always so happy and cheerful and the look on his face is probably the thing that will kill me.

"You're worried about me?" Emma asked.

"She killed Graham because he was good – and you're good." Henry said.

"Henry..." Emma said.

"Good loses – good always loses. Because good has to play fair – evil doesn't. She's evil. This is probably best. I don't want to upset her anymore." Henry sits up and gives Emma the walkie talkie then, he walks off.


We are at home and I am just laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling, thinking about  today's events. The start of the day: Pretty bad. I haven't got that far yet. Over the loud music and the banging of Emma hitting a toaster on the counter, I hear the door open. I glance over at the door to see it's Mary-Margret. Suddenly, I heard the music go off. Pity, I was starting to like it. I sit up from my place on the couch and look over at Mary-Margret and Emma, who is now using a knife to.... I don't know what. All I have to say is, poor toaster.

"Toaster broken?" Mary asked, coming around the counter, looking at Emma confused.

"Well, if it wasn't before. it certainly is now" I said, as I go back to my previous position. 

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