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–[New York]–

When we got to New York, we hopped in a taxi and went to where we think Baelfire is. When we got to our destination, we got out of the taxi and looked around. People were walking in the street, there were buildings everywhere. I looked in front of me to see an apartment building, this is probably the place.

"What's wrong? This the right place?" Emma asked.

"Yes, it is." Mr. Gold replied, looking up at the large building.

"Let me guess. He's not expecting you." Mr. Gold didn't reply. "Well, who doesn't love a surprise?" Emma asked, sarcastically. We entered the lobby, then Henry and I scanned the list of names. There was a lot of weird ones. There was a name called: Appleman and I wondered what parent would do that to their kid.

"No 'Baelfire'." Henry said, looking through the names.

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't fly as an alias. Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" Emma asked Mr. Gold.

Mr. Gold walked forward and looked through the names, "It doesn't work that way."

"Do these names mean anything to you?" I asked.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no." Mr. Gold responded.

Emma pointed to one with only a number, "Here's your boy."

"Or, it could just be vacant." Mr. Gold said.

"You might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise thei-" Emma was cut off by me buzzing the apartment on the intercom. Emma's eyes grew wide, "Aria!"

"What?" I asked her.

The person answered and Emma thought for a second before saying, "U.P.S. package for four-oh-seven." The person on the other end doesn't answer and then they hung up.

"Maybe you should've said FedEx." Henry said. Suddenly, we heard a noise coming from the fire escape outside. 

"He's running." Emma said. We rushed outside to see a person climbing down the fire escape, he reached the bottom and broke into a run.

"That... That favour you owe me – this is it. Get him to talk to me. I... I can't run." Mr. Gold said.

Emma looked at the, who was running, then turned back to us, "Watch Henry and Aria . I'll be back."


Mr. Gold, Henry, and I stood in front of a hotdog stand, eating Hotdogs. Well, me and Henry were, Mr. Gold was just staring in the direction Emma and the guy ran in. While Henry and I ate, I was looking around at all the stuff here. There were a bunch of places to eat, hang out at, shop at. I was pulled out of my daze when Henry spoke up.

"Don't worry. Emma's really good at catching people." Henry said.

Mr. Gold turned back to look at him, "Well, my son's been running away for a long time now. Now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it."

"Well, at least we found him, right?" Henry asked.

"Indeed." Mr. Gold replied.

"Thanks for the hotdog." I said to him.

"Oh, yeah, uh, thanks, for the hot dog. I forgot." Henry said.

Mr. Gold turned back to us, "You are quite welcome. And thank you."

"For what?" Henry asked him, confused.

We all started walking away from the hotdog stand, "Well, if it wasn't for you bringing Emma to Storybrooke, none of this would have come to pass. You... Are a remarkable young man."

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now