True North

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Aria's Pov:

Henry and I are at the store, reading a comic book. Well actually, he was reading out loud while I looked at the pictures and did the sound affects. What can I say? I was feeling lazy. Also, I didn't have any Kit Kat's today, so that's probably why. While we were reading we heard somebody behind us.

The girl was blonde, tall, and roughly our age, "Whatcha reading?"

"The Hulk versus Wolverine." Henry answered.

"I'm Ava. I think I've seen you around school. You're in Miss Blanchard's class, right?" The girl, Ava, asked us. Henry and I nodded, him smiling, me with a straight face. For some reason I don't trust her, but then again I don't trust many people easily.

A boy, also around our age, came up to Ava, "Almost ready, Ava?" I saw Henry's smile drop a little, wait did he like her. I suddenly felt this aching pain in my chest. What is this feeling? Whatever it is, I don't like it.

"This is my brother, Nicholas." Ava said, nodding her head towards the boy. Henry's smile came back on to his face.

"Hi." Nicholas said to us. He turned to his sister, "Come on – let's go."

"You two want to come hang out?" Ava asked.

"Sure!" Henry said, while I said a little 'All right.' We both grabbed our backpacks and put them over one shoulder. We then started to leave the store.

Nicholas opened the door only for it to get closed shut by Mr. Clark, "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Mr. Clark sneezed, then pointed at mine and Henry's bags, "Open up your bags."

"What?" Henry asked, confused. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Don't think I didn't see you two rob me. Open your bags." Mr. Clark said.

"We did not take anything." I said to the man. Mr. Clark took our bags and looked through them one by one. He pulled out a fistful of candy from each bag.

"And a liar, too." Mr. Clark said.

I turned around to face the two kids behind Henry and I, "So, that's why you were talking to us. So your brother could put that stuff in there and we would take the fall for you."

"I mean, I expected this from the Troublemaker Aria Hale, but you too Henry... I'm shocked." Mr. Clark doesn't really like me, he's always afraid I'll come and rob something from his store. Mr. Clark turned to Ava and Nicholas, "And you two – just who do you think you are?"

Later, Regina came to the store because Mr. Clark called her. He tried to call Mary-Margret for her to deal with me, but there was not answer.

"Well, I'm sorry, Madam Mayor, but your son and Aria was shoplifting." Mr. Clark told her.

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now