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I woke up from my nightmare, bolting up, my blanket falling off of me, and I was screaming. I looked around the room in alarm as David rushed into my room with Henry right behind him. David sat down on my bed in front me, holding onto my shoulders.

"Aria? Aria? Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're okay, you're okay. You're okay, you're okay." David reassured.

I was breathing heavily, "I... I had the worst nightmare. I-I..."

"It's over now. It's okay." David said, "Henry, stay here with her while I go get something" David stepped out and Henry sat in front of me. I reached out and hugged Henry, squeezing my eyes shut. He hugged me back when David came back in the room. I let go of Henry and saw that David had a candle and some matches.

"Okay? Here. This will help." David lit the match and then used it to light the candle, sitting the candle next to my bed.

He put out the match and I looked at the candle in confusion, "A candle?"

"Yeah. They keep the nightmares away. Now, talk to me. What was so bad?" David asked.

"I-I... I was in this room, and-d... And it was red. And there was no doors, no windows, no anything. And there were these curtains... And they were on fire. And... I-I was in this corner." I explained, "And... And... And... And I was looking, and there was someone else there with me. She was staring at me through the flames. Th-Then I woke up and..."

"Hey, don't worry, alright? It was just a bad dream." David said. After I had calmed down a little more, David left the room to go back to sleep. Henry was about to leave too, but I grabbed his hand.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked him. He smiled at me and said yes, climbing into the bed with me.


The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now