We Are Both

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Henry and I were at the crisis center and we were looking down at our book. Dr. Whale was right beside of us, moving things and everybody else were doing anything to help. I looked over to see David coming over to us.

"Henry! Aria!" Henry and I put down our book and stood up, "Have you seen Blue? Uh, Mother Superior?" David asked us, putting a hand on our shoulders.

"No. But everyone is looking for you." Henry said in a slight whisper.

Ruby rushed over to us, "Do we know where Rump- Mr. Gold is?"

"Wait! Does the Queen still have power?" Archie asked causing me to jump. He appeared out of nowhere and I about had a heart attack.

"I thought I would find my boy." Marco said.

"Please! We've got to be planning something!" Henry said as we, and the crowd, started to follow David.

Dr. Whale came over to David, "Hey, let me ask you something? Are the nuns still nuns? Or can they, you know, date?"

"Uh, I don't know." David responded, pushing past him.

"Don't say it's me asking..." Dr. Whale said from behind us.

David spotted Blue and started to walk over to her, "Blue! Could there be a tree on this side? The way we sent Emma through as a baby. Maybe I could go after them that way."

"It's possible, but without fairy dust to guide us here... No, it's hopeless." Blue replied.

"You'll find another way. In the book, things always look worse right before there's good news." Henry said, encouragingly.

"Well, look at you being the optimist." I said to him, smiling. He smiled back at me and then I turned around to see Leroy and the rest of the dwarves.

They were running and shouted causing the crowd to break apart, "Terrible news! Terrible news! We were out at the town limits. Tell them who you think you are, Sneezy."

"Oh, will you stop calling me that. You know who I am. I'm Tom Clark. I own the Dark Star(?) Pharmacy. What's going on here?" Sneezy, or Mr. Clark, asked.

"If you cross the border, you lose your memory all over again." Leroy explained to us.

"A-And coming back doesn't fix it?" Archie stuttered.

"No. If it did then he would remember who he was right now and Leroy also yelled 'terrible news'. So, no it doesn't fix it at all." I replied. I mean, it really is obvious and it's not that hard to spot. "So, if we leave... We become our cursed selves become our only selves." Just great. Then, the crowd began to panic. People began talking over the others, asking questions and it was really hard to tell what they were saying.

Henry yelled over the crowd, "I wonder if my mom knows?" David started to walk away from the crowd, but everybody soon started to follow. "I can help!" Henry yelled. I grabbed his arm and I pushed through the whole crowd and we made it to the front.

David stopped walking and turned around, "People! Everybody! Everybody meet back here in two hours. I'll tell you my plan to fix everything."


We were at the apartment and David was standing in front of the mirror, practicing his speech while Henry and myself watched. I wonder why people practice stuff in a mirror. I never really practice anything, I have nothing to practice. Does practicing in a mirror help or something?

"People of Storybrooke. I know we're trapped together again, and things look bleak. But... They're not." David ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. 

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now