What Happened to Fredrick?

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I'm watching Henry play his new video game his mom got for him. It's actually really fun, surprisingly. We were sitting outside of the school on the bench when Emma came over to us.

"Wow, I love that game. Space Paranoids, right?" Emma asked, sitting down on the other side of Henry.

Henry stopped playing the game looking up at Emma, "Yeah, my mom got it for me."

"I used to play that all the time when I was a kid. Relax – it's all in the wrists." Emma said.

Then, it was game over. "My mom's picking me up in, like, five minutes."

"Alright. I'll be quick, then. I just have something I'd like to give you two." Emma then pulled out the book. Slightly disappointed she didn't get the box too.

"You found it! Where in the world was this?" I asked her, holding the book.

"I found it in a gutter. It must have fallen off the dump truck on the way to the junkyard and got tossed around in the rain. And, somehow, made its way back to me." Emma explained.

"Wow. That's crazy." Henry said.

"What other explanation could there be?" Emma asked us.

"I don't know." Henry said.

"Maybe, it got put through the Vanishing Cabinet." I said.

I heard Henry sigh, "Aria, that's not real."

"It is if I say it is." I said to him.

"Well, whatever happened, it came back to me." Emma said.

"Maybe, it means our luck is changing. Operation Cobra is back on. It's a sign. Things are going to be better." Henry said.

"Do you mind if I take the book home with me?" I asked Henry.

"Sure. Just don't read the last page of Snow White's story." Henry said to me, sternly. Why doesn't he want me to read it?

"...Okay." I said, slowly.

"We got to go. Bye kid." Emma said. I hugged Henry, then Emma and I started on our way to the apartment.


When we get home we see Mary lying on the bed. Emma took off her jacket and started walking toward the bed, "You feel like talking about it yet?"

"Nope." Mary answered.

"You want to be alone?" Emma asked the sad woman.

"Nope." Mary replied. Then, Emma laid down next to Mary-Margret on the bed. I walked upstairs to my room with the story book in hand. I sat down on my bed, putting the book in front of me. Should I read the last page of Snow White's story? Henry told me not too, but it would kill me to not know what's on it. For some reason, whenever Henry was reading the story book out loud while I'm around he would always stop on the page before the last one. I don't know why, he would just stop and close it or go on to another story.

I sat there looking at the book wondering whether to open it or not. I opened the book, but it didn't open to the last page of Snow White's story. It was the Cheshire Cat's story. Her story was always my favorite. Her real name is actually Trinity Leah Christ, but she would always play tricks on everyone, resulting in them calling her the Cheshire Cat or Chess for short. She ran away from her mother, who was very cruel and always put her sister first. She walked through a portal that lead to the Enchanted Forest and she was stuck there and then she became friends with Snow White. Then, her story continued in Snow White's story. Also, she was actually my Enchanted Forest counter part. I turned to the last page of Snow White's story, I brought my hand up to my mouth, my eyes wide.

Apparently, Chess/Trinity took Emma to the magical tree trunk (forgot what is was called.), then she got stabbed after getting Emma into the trunk.... On the last page,

was a picture of Chess/Trinity/me lying on the ground...


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